BRUTE SHOT JUMP on Brute Shot (the brute shot jump course) This is a brute shot jump course in which all of the jumps require a brute shot to complete.First off I would like to make a few things clear, all of the jumps are possible by yourself but the map can support up to 4 people, all of the jumps are completely possible, the teleporters are blocked because you must unblock them, and you need the gametype in order to be able tofinish the course. Now the pictures: A simple brute shot jump. Brute shot jump up the wall and once up on top, go through the tube. A brute shot transfer jump, switch walls mid jump otherwise you cant make it. Climb up the corner and go through the teleporter. Unblock the first check point. Climb sideways up the wall ( it is harder than it looks). Brute shot jump on to the wedge ( perfect timing required) Brute shot jump into the teleporter. Another transfer jump. Brute shot to preassure jump. Climb the shield doors and into the teleporter. Climb the colors. j Just jump over to the block doubles and notice the arrow pointing down. You need to use the brute shot to slow your fall and then blast yourself into the tube. Once inside the tube go through the teleporter and wait a second or two and you'll win. To my knowledge this map is completely cheat proof if you see a way to cheat please message me immediately. : Halo 3 File Details : Halo 3 File Details
looks real nice, havent seen anything like this before, ill try it out. looks like a difficult puzzle/jump map. im not to accustomed to jumping with a bruteshot. looks well thought out though. ill try it out.
HOLY SHIZZ! THIS MAP IS SICK!!! IN A GOOD WAY!!!!! I have seen bruteshots used to boost you jump and scale a doublewall before, but this takes that to a whole new level! I never thought it was even physically possible to make these jumps, and I don't know how you can do some of them with only a 6 shot carriage. But I MUST download this because it is a revolutionary jumper using only bruteshot jumps. The final jump is cool too, along with everything else... You have my download.
Wow! This looks really hard and it adds a harder twist to brute shot jumping obstacles.Can't think of any ways of cheating on this map. Well done!
Very nice jump course. Some very challenging looking jumps in this course that might take me a while. The sideways jump i know for a fact is very hard... ANyways looks really fun.
ok this mapp looks way 2 hard at the end gettting in the tube is like inpossible can u mak a lil piece some were so whe u land on it u blast right 2 the side but dont make it 2 easy ihate 2 say its a lil dumb cause who waants 2 bruteshot there way troww the map the reasone y i look at this map is because the name caugte my eye so i looked at it no effence sorry ^_^
well out of my prospective idk if anybody made this map but i never seen anything like this before a map for like bruteshot jumping pretty original idea well thtas just me though
rofl >.< I really like the map, since seeing it I never thought it possible to practically climb a wall using a brute shot. It looks very challenging especially the part where you have to push yourself into the tube piece while falling. Is there more than one checkpoint because I can see 3 teleporters on the first picture.
Yes there are multiple check points (one after every teleporter) otherwise i doubt it could be finished within one hour. BTW: I made it in the last picture.
i love it, im at second checkpoint, i got trouble with the tube where u need to get in it while ur falling nice map, 5/5
This is wicked. I think you can cheat on the corner part, cant you? Im not sure, but its got my download!!! Well done!
I downloaded it and it is really easy. I did it in 10 Minutes and 51 Seconds. Ill post the video soon. Just done it in 3 Mins 56 Secs!!! Video: Click Here!