Innovation 1.1 Innovation A tank! What an innovation! Centerpiece Why the f*ck aren't there any tanks in Bungie maps? Innovation is a heavy vehicle/skyway map, set up for all gametypes. It's a collaborative effort between me (Enailis E09) and Monkeyfaceofdoo, whose Gold account recently ran out. The bases and caches are designed differently, though they're balanced, but the rest of the map is near-symmetrical. I had to alter a few small areas to deal with the sand's asymmetry. It's my first competitive map, and Monkeyface's first map at all. We started it about two months ago and just recently found time to finish it. It has been playtested fairly extensively, but only with small teams. Overview Each team has a tank (OMG! This map must suck!), a gauss hog, and a hornet, plus a missile pod, two BR's, two man cannons to the skyway, and a teleporter to mid-map. Looking at these pictures, I don't think screenshots can do Innovation justice. Bases from the sniper "towers" I designed blue base and Monkeyface made red base, so you know who to blame. Mid-Map This map works fine for all modes, but really shines in Slayer and Team Slayer, especially if you spawn with BR's. Infection is also interesting, with the hard-to-get-to skyways and large open areas. Also, King of the Hill has one very different hill. Cache The local caches are hard to get to - they're in the middle of a tank-infested field - but even harder to escape. You can drop through their roof from the sniper towers. The weaponry they hold isn't going to instantly grant you a running riot, but it's enough to deal with both light vehicles and infantry. Red Skyway See the spooky purple thing in the background? The third floor is very hard to get to, but worth it because of the amazing cover. You have to head up the grav lift sitting on the undertunnels, usually bouncing on it once to gain momentum, or grenade jump up. Left Skyway and Sniper Tower I made sure to balance it. There's a missile pod at each base, a spartan laser in the middle, several brute shots, two trip mines, a bunch of spikes, lots of places to jump down onto and board vehicles from, and two fuel rods that are a little hard to get to. Plus tons of very good cover. If the scorpion stays near its spawn, it can get dropped on from the sniper tower, nailed with the missile pod, or jumped from the base. If it moves to the narrow point of the open field, it can't really shoot anybody and the tight quarters make it hard to aim anyways. Plus the undertunnels are positioned perfectly to jack it. If it tries to move around to the teleporter exit, it loses its line of sights to the high-frequency areas and skyways, and if someone can sneak into the middle, a couple blasts with the laser can take it down. If it heads out into the sands, it becomes super-vulnerable to the missile pods and hornets, and has no escape route. Also, players don't always spawn at the bases, and when they do, it's usually in the area the tanks can't get to that holds a teleporter and missile pod. Players spawning outside the bases usually have a straight shot to one of the explosive weapons. This ensures no spawnkilling, even if one team controls both tanks. Also, a team down by two to four men (the ones sitting in the scorpions) doesn't have much chance of taking on the rest of the enemy team in close quarters. Download Innovation Update 1.1 Adjusted anti-vehicle weapon respawn times, corrected red missile pod spawn, replaced hard-to-get-to fuel rod gun with rocket launcher (so it's actually worth going to), replaced deployable cover with grav lift (very useful anywhere and can be dropped right when you get it to jump straight from cache to sniper tower), opened a few sight lines, removed worthless magnums, removed ghosts, increased tank respawn time, moved neutral bomb and flag spawns to a more interesting spot, got action pics. ITEM LIST: since you been asking about it... In each Base: missile pod Objective 2 BR's hornet 2 mancannons to far right skyway and left skyway on close side teleporter to left midmap In each open Vehicle Field: tank (long respawn) gauss warthog (quick respawn) mongoose (near middle) Cache In each Cache: brute shot smg 2 frags 2 firebombs trip mine grav lift straight up tunnel to Sniper Tower no cover from Vehicle Field In each Sniper Tower: sniper rifle regenerator (on ramp) ramp to Left Skyway cover from and drop to bases and vehicle field exposure to far side and top On each Left Skyway: cover from all sides (but not at the same time) br jump to centerpiece receiver for mancannon open path to Right Skyway In each Right Skyway: assault rifle 2 spike grenades heavy, multisided cover drop to top of Undertunnels (w/grav lift to Topmap) receiver for mancannon In (or on or around) each Undertunnel: bubble shield machine gun (covering teleporter with long shot to enemy base) shotgun grav lift to Right Skyway (or Topmap with effort) covered run to Centerpiece On each Topmap: flare rocket launcher cover from enemy Topmap cover box (can attack forward-left) one of the hills (everything as high as Topmap except sands, like sniper towers and fin tops) Around Centerpiece: spartan laser neutral objective in top-middle jump to Left Skyways full cover from cardinal directions half cover towards Vehicle Fields and Undertunnels ramp to top of Centerpiece from sides (with effort) TOTAL WEAPON LIST: Spartan Laser 2 Missile Pods 2 Rocket Launchers 2 Brute Shots 6 BR's 2 Assault Rifles 2 SMG's 2 Sniper Rifles 2 Shotguns 2 Machine Guns Action pics: Download Innovation I am also including as a bonus a simple custom gametype that works well on this map: My Zombies. Haven't you always wanted to mow down zombies with a 'hog? This version of Infection allows the use of light ground vehicles. To balance this the zombies get several boosts, the most significant of which is Zombie Spit: plasma pistol backpack weapons. The main use for these is vehicle disabling, but as a secondary purpose they use the new 25% shield drain to bolster their own health while charging the enemy. Lesser changes include: SMG spawns, Zombie color instead of Black, Overshields for the Last Man instead of a marker (I never understood why the one who survives longest should be punished), and wave respawns. Download My Zombies
Things are gonna get hectic with all of the tanks and hornets in the map. U didn't put a weapons list. R there any lasers or rockets to even out the vehicles.
The reason there aren't more tanks is because they are lethal. Very lethal. If one team manages to get control of both tanks somehow, game over other team. Not to say your map shouldn't have tanks; you should just have a laser at each base to balance it out. If one team is being spawnkilled at the base by a tank(s), the chances of them making it to the middle of the map alive to get the laser (especially with a Hornet on the map aswell) are extremely slim.
yea the vehicles are a little overpowering and i like the map the one thing that bugs me other than the vehicles are the two floating walkways that are a little pointless nice map 3.5/5 i wont dl but good job
Glad to see you took your time writing a quality post, and I commend you on making a true vehicle-oriented map. However, some structures (Such as in the very first picture in this thread) are just messes. Ramps not leading anywhere, various blocks requiring tons of jumps to get from place to place, and crooked items. Too much jumping breaks the flow of a map. If you look in any Bungie-made map, you could access any area, with the exception of a couple, without jumping. As well, as much as I hate saying this, you really ought to clean up your map by interlocking. I hate that phrase, especially considering interlocking isn't necessary for a good map, but some areas are really eyesores and difficult to navigate because of items crammed next to each other.
you need to fire monkeyface. no offense but if you want people to like your maps you cant have someone as lazy and careless as moneyface just throwing stuff all over your map. you did a good job forging, but him on the other nad not so good. i give it a 2.5/5 because of sloppiness and structure locations