Alpha Protocol Supported Gametypes:[/b] -One Flag -One Bomb -maybe slayer (haven't tried slayer yet, if someone does please let me know how it went) Map Description Alpha Protocol is an Objective map created by Prophet Opeth (me), Phantarch, and Noobpuncher. The map took around 8hrs to make and 2hrs of testing. It contains 2 bases, one defender's base and one attacker's. The defender's base was created around the concept of defence, meaning defender's are better off staying near or around their base. The attacker's base one the other hand is lightly fortified because attacker's don't have the need of camping their. Moving on, in between the two bases are several smaller structures that provide cover and weapons (the pictures will provide more insight in these). Weapons List -BR x 9 -Shotgun x 2 -Sniper Rifle x 2 -SMG x 4 -Magnum x 2 -Plasma Rifle x 2 -Needler x 1 -Brute Shot x 1 -Rocket Launcher x 2 -Spartan Laser x 1 -Energy Sword x 1 -Carbine x 4 -Machine Gun Turret x 1 -Frag Grenade x 9 -Plasma Grenade x 15 Equipment -Bubble Shield x 2 -Power Drain x 1 -Regenerator x 2 -Flare x 1 -Deployable Cover x 2 -Overshields x 1 -Active Camo x 1 Vehicles -Mongoose x 4 Well that's basically it, now onto the part that everyone looks *The picture's progress through the map starting at Defender's Base and ending with Attacker's Base* Overview from Defender's side Overview from Attacker's side Defender's Base Garage Jump Entrance Arches (far right contains OV, middle contains Brute Shot, and far left contains 2 plasma grenades) Courtyard (the pillars allow defenders to access the wall) Rock Wall (these jumps allow attackers to access the wall) Tower (used for sniping, contains Regenerator x 1) Tunnel Base (great place to run the flag or bomb) Attacker's Base Thanks for reading to this point, the map link is below. Download Alpha Protocol
In my opinion.. if your going to use so many tube should geo-merge them.. saves money from using the tube ramps.. and looks so much more better.. and its so not hard to do. Looks alright, kinda disjointed and scattered... BUT might play pretty fun.
Pretty nice. I quite like the whole design of the map, especially the blue base. Though because the map is quite open did you think about put warthogs in? Either way i will have to try this once im back from vacation.
It seems like there are too many power weapons on this map or not enough vehicles. Either delete the spartan laser or add a warthog to each side. I am going to have to agree, it looks like the defender's base is nicely merged and designed and probably the best part of the map. Overall, it looks great!
we had warthogs on the map originally bit we decided they'd be too over powering. After someone gets back to me on how the map plays I'll decide if to place them back or not.
Phantarch here. I currently have a version to test that replaces the splazer with a hammer, which still keeps the number of anti-vehicle weapons the same, but makes them more difficult to use. The problem with power vehicles is that since the map is more crowded on the defender's side, it makes it relatively easy to get the flag or bomb from one side to the other. Basically, It's too small for the big guns. Also, scapegoat, if you could give me a thread/video explaining geomerging on sandbox, I would be happy to do so.
This looks really cool I like some of your building designs something I haven't seen before weapon layout is a little odd I get that a lot myself. 3/5 I like your designs
nice map and layout. the interlocking looks simple and effective. and that ledge thing you did with the rock wall is pretty badass. but one thing- you really should test out your map more thoroughly before posting it. slayer is the most common gametype in the game, so how could you not test it for team/ffa slayer? and when you tested the map, how many people did you test it with, and how many people would you recommend playing on this map? my guess would be 4v4 or 5v5.
The problem is, we don't have many people that enjoy playing customs and can help test the maps out. That's why we post them with questions, hoping to get feedback for a v2.
So far the best amount of people is 4v4. The idea of the map was built around objective gametypes, this causes a mix up with slayer because it wasn't originally planned.