I have a small long scar running form my foot to my ankle Story down / I was on my montocycle and driving down to the road when a cyclist who was on drugs/Was blind/Just plain retarted wizzed out the other lane ad hit me a cossing shering a small piece of flesh away from my calf chain and a spur got londged in my leg leg. I was bleeding evrywhere luckely someone phoned the ambulance and got us to Hospital. The other guy broke his leg BTW, I still have a a big line across my foot . Sorry no pics but I can get some.
When I was 7 and still living in Quebec I fell in a pool in the middle of winter (well more towards the end like february or something) Anyway my, bitchass friends ran away and my brother had to help get me out and I got a small scar from cutting my stomach against the ice on the side of the pool when he pulled me out :O
When i was like 12, i was reaching over to grab something and my friend was holding a plastic bag that was on fire (dnt ask) it melted and fell on my hand and stuck there, it f*ckin hurt. good times...
Back before I went to school I was playing aroudn with my uncle trying to catch him. Long story short I ran into a cupboard and had punched a hole through my bottom lip and turned my tooth sideways. Still have the scar under my lip.
I was fighting with my brother, and i accidentally stepped on my dogs tail. My dog jumped up at me and bit my mouth. It bled like crazy, both my arms and one of my sisters arms were covered, and then I went to the hospital and got 26 stitches, 7 under my skin and 19 above. I got plastic skin where I got bit. I could not move my mouth for a week. I will ask my sister to use her camera later but I'm not making any promises. It's kinda small but you can tell where it is.
I was three for my first one, I was jumping on my parents bed and my mom saw me and said stop, I thought no and kept jumping. After spanking threats I thought okay I'm getting off, so I jumped and spun 180 degrees and hit my head on the corner of the wall and split it. In the end I needed about 9 stitches, you used to be able to see it, but I have long hair now so it's near impossible. For this one I was around 9, I was out in the woods near our apartment complex (we recently moved to NC). We were building a fort (my brother, and 3 friends with my dad), I was walking and I tripped and put my hand out, no big deal right? Well I decided to put my hand out into a bag with a rusty saw and a clean saw. That only needed butterfly stitches, it was like half an inch deep, and about an inch long it is on my thumbs base.
I was walking around on an averagely high hill. My friends decide they wanna play tag, so we start running around, trying NOT to hit the trees. I stop to breathe for a little bit, and this dude decides instead of tagging me, to push me. Hard. I go rolling down the hill, which didn't hurt much except for a small scar on my forearm, and the fact my nose got screwed over by the grass. Then I touchdown on the sidewalk, bruising somewhere in the middle of my cheekbone and ear. And not to mention some grass in my eye (of course), but I was fortunate enough to be able to blink it out. The skin around my nose was lighter and rougher for at least a month. I moved from there to San Antonio, and my nose is different now (squishier), but no stitches. And I'm still mad my scooter's already getting screwed by buckling too much.
When I was about eight years old my brother and I were in cubscouts. Well I was helping his troop out. My sister tagged along, and she had to go to the bathroom. I took her to the bathroom. I was waiting outside for her. I was bored, so I swirled my head around like you can swirl your eyes. It was really fun, but I got dizzy. So dizzy I fell right into the corner of a metal door. I hit my head. My head hurt. I felt something wet, and I thought it was just my tears. I took my sister back to the room. Thirty seconds later, another person's mother screams, "Oh my God! Adam's has a hole in his head and it's bleeding!" My mom rushes over to me and freaks out. In my head I'm thinking, "I got a hole in my head? Should I be worried? Is that why I'm crying so much?" Later my mother explains to me that that was blood, not tears. I have no clue how my sister didn't notice the blood. Anyway I was rushed to the hospital and got three stitches. While I didn't even suffer a concusion, I have a huge portion of my head that is now perfectly flat. Pictures don't show it, I have too much hair on my head. But it freaks out all my friends.
Pointy rusty bedspring+toe, didn't go to the hospital(don't ask why). Still have a scar there, plus the toenail is yellow and dead probably from an infection? Half of it will not grow back, and it's been over 6 years. /sadfaic
My father was an alcoholic, and one night when hed been drinking, i left the house for a walk to my friends house [i was like 5]. I saw a beer bottle on the sidewalk and threw it at a tree. The bottom broke off and came back and cut my ankle. I had to get two stitches, which is nothing, but thats it.
4 Inch gash behind my right knee where a a blade of glass was shoved into it once a car accident happened. (Car accident description in "Death" thread) Looks kind of like a lightning bolt, my knee is Harry Potter!
I was playing soccer and the ball was in our box. I was trying to get it away when a kid hacked at the ball but missed and hit my legs. I fell over and the kid went to move and I got a cleat right onto my ball sack. He he dug in to move forward and it created a burn/skid mark on my sack about one inch long. I looked after the game and my white compression shorts where all red, and now there is a small, pink scar.
My biggest scar is just above my right eye; I was playing softball/baseball and the batter mishits the ball so it flies up in the air. Me and another guy go to catch it, both looking skywards, and crash into each other. His tooth went through his own lip and cut a deep gash just above my eye, I come to with my white sports shirt completely covered in blood. His lip was a state, they stitched it up but he told me later he can't feel the majority of his bottom lip because his tooth cut the nerves.
when i broke my arm and the bone went thru the skin. it hurt like a ***** and left a kindof a half moon shaped scar. its about the size of a half nickel and it hurt like crazy. or when i little kid smoked me in the chin with a plastic snowshovel. he had adhd or somthing. i needed stitches.
I've got a story pretty similar to that one. Last year-ish, about a half an hour after 3rd period I'd headed over to my friend Lee's house instead of going to 4th. My memory's a little hazy as to why he couldn't hang out despite him also skipping school, but I knew a few people around the block anyway so I decided it'd be best to head over to one of their homes rather than wasting the trip I took to get there. Knocking on the door of Tyler's house, a friend of mine who lived across the street from Lee, I thought it'd be a good idea to take him up on his suggestion to check out these, uh.. puppies that belonged to his dog, which was a damn big Doberman. And don't get me wrong, I'd seen the dog before and even played with it too. Which is why it surprised me when after petting it, it bit me in the face. The reason why I thought your story sounded familiar was due to the fact that at the time, I was completely unaware that it'd bit me at all... which I guess was also due in part to the shock xD. It hadn't even occured to me that it'd got me. At least not until both Tyler and his sister went all wide eyed and I saw the damage for myself. In the end I got 8 stitches in both of the gouges, one between my eyes and one that split my lip. And to make matter's worse, I was grounded and chewed out(Pun) for skipping school. I mean hell, talk about a double wammy! I also split my lip two other times. They be ma' battle wounds...
On New Years Day 2 years ago, I was messing around with an electric guitar. The strap broke and I dropped the guitar. The little nobly bit that you hook the strap up to landed on my little toe and now has gone all weird, the nail doesn't grow properly, it just falls off. Last year in school we were on the trampolines. I have a trampoline at home so I tried to do a flip 180. It went horribly wrong and I missed the map trying to support my fall with my arm. I broke it in two places. I went for 2 more lessons before the numbness wore of and I realised "**** this hurts"
The worst think i have done was a couple of years ago i was up on this high wall showing off (pretty childish) and i fell down onto the ground and scraped all the skin off of both elbows now my elbows get kinda red now and again.
It was almost 3 years ago.. I was in our race car shop helping my dad put his stock car back together, we had these really steep, sharp, wooden stairs... While I was walking down them for some reason I blacked out, next thing you know I'm tumbling down the stairs. When I landed I cam within inches of smashing my head into the car, would have killed me. I thought I was ok, I tried to stand but my left knee weakened and made me fall, my left pant leg was covered in blood. When I pulled up my pant leg, I can see my knee skin pushed 3 inches up my leg, and a huge gash right on my knee. It was gross. I went to the hospital and got 14 stitches, the worst part was the shots they give you to ease the pain. god... When we got out of the hospital we went to Texas RoadHouse(Restauraunt) and I got to miss school the next day =D I still have a big line showing where my stitches were. There are 14 little scars showing where the stitches were put in.. No pics srry.
uhhh I was like 10 and my brother and I were hitting golf balls in the back yard. My brother didn't check his surroundings before he hit and he clunked my forehead on his back swing and I got it between the eyes. I got 10 stitches and I think the scar is fading away... I had another when I was in Elementary on the carousel type spinny thing on the playground. I was holding the bars as it was spinning and then I slipped on some dew from the morning and railed my shin on the edge of the carousel. That hurt like a *****... I still have like an imprinted 2 inch scar on my shin.