Foundry MLG Face Down

Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by IxXx Omni xXxI, Aug 11, 2009.

  1. IxXx Omni xXxI

    IxXx Omni xXxI Ancient
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    Link to V2
    By: IxXx Omni xXxI
    ateakin : Halo 3 File Details
    Okay so this is my first legit map that is actually GOOD. I myself am in love with this map, but yeah I guess its opinion

    So First off, This is a MLG map used on Foundry good for MLG TS 4v4or5
    Also works for FFA.
    Map includes:
    1 sniper
    Plasmas and Frags
    and im pretty sure thats it aha

    Okay so here are the PICTURESSSSSS!!!!!!!!!



    There are 2 completely symmetrical BR towers on each side like this

    Back tunnel area of Foundry(same on each side of course)

    Also have these walkways on each side


    Please download and tell us what you think. BTW. This took like 6 months to make cause we are HUGE procrastinators ahahaha : Halo 3 File Details

    YUP YUP!!!!!!!!!

    #1 IxXx Omni xXxI, Aug 11, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2009
  2. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    Good first post. Not great, but good. When taking screenshots in the future, avoid taking them from forge films. Also, one of the things that bothers me the most is the fact that you didn't geoglitch the wall corners. You could easily do that, you just need to watch the tutorials. Another very nagging thing is the fact that I saw a mongoose. No, vehicles are not MLG, even the least useful ones. Remove that. Another important thing that is missing is the number of weapons and equipment list, which would help one see whether or not the weapons placement is reasonable. OVerall, the map is good. Its not the best, there are many high points and such. Still, its a change from the standard Onslaught variant, so you did good on that note.
    #2 Gollygeeanelite, Aug 11, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2009
  3. Riff

    Riff Ancient
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    Most people will probably not download this until it is a little cleaner visualy. Merges measured out better and geos where necessary. Hope to see a V2 in the future. Good post.
  4. PhantomBishop

    PhantomBishop Ancient
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    Very clean map. however there are no vehicles, roadblocks, or trucks in MLG maps. Other than that this map is very nice i especially like the perch in the 6th picture. I think it would be very usefull to camp there. Great job.
  5. GameVenator

    GameVenator Ancient
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    It seems like more of a normal halo map ratehr than an MLG one.
  6. ONeill117

    ONeill117 Ancient
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    looks good, a bit untidy in places maybe, but yeah maybe its not quite MLG style? will reserve judgement until playtested
    good first post!
  7. IxXx Omni xXxI

    IxXx Omni xXxI Ancient
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    Okay so I see there are many things that people thought we should change in this map. We are currently working on a V2 so please. Leave your comments. Try this one out and tell me what you think could be changed or added. And try using some detail on what needs to be changed.
  8. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
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    Pretty okay. I don't really see why you left the A and B structures like you did, where if you back up you fall off. Personally I think I might just have downloaded this map if you only extended the walkway to around the A and B structure, or at least until you reach the wall. Are you just afraid of merging?? But anyway, now for the criticising.

    The concept of this is pretty nice, you have some very identifiable landmarks (such as the A and B structures, or the barrier/column complex. And I also like how you have it to where you take full advantage of elevation, in the fact that alot of your structures have different gameplay approaches to playing on top of them or under them. So I'll give the concept of this one an 8.5/10. As for your design, I'd give you a 9/10 if you did what I told you earlier about getting lazy on the A and B structures. My main problem with this map is that alot of the structures are standalone and there's not enough maneuverability throughout the map via more catwalks or tactical jumps. So I give your design also an 8.5/10. As far as your crafting, meh, you're just as good as me, so I'll give it a 10/10! Just kidding, you can merge and interlock alright but not flawless, I'll have to give your crafting an 8/10. So overall, factoring in the gameplay/fun factor, I'll give this an overall rating of 8.5/10. Enjoy, release a V2 with some improvements hopefully based off of my ideas and I might just play this map with some friends.

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