F3NC3 W0R1D Created by Nulear Ewok (jdc5627) [br] Supported Gametypes: Slayer, CTF, Oddball, KOTH, Infection, Assault, Territories, Juggernaut, VIP[br] Map Description The guardians have a bloodlust as the alien particle accelerator inches toward you. It fires a soccerball, and you die. This map is small, with 2 floors, and it was inspired by REACTOR CORE. [br] _________________________________________________ [br] Sorry, it shows only one in bungie [br] _________________________________________________ [br] there are two ways to get to the flag, the short way is running straight and getting blown up by the accelerator, and the long way is through the second level. The map is small, but seems like both small and large at the same time. :squirrel_jaffa: [br] Download f3nc3 w0r1d Download GAMETYPE NAME HERE [br]
Re: My best map, F3NC3 W0R1D Dumping the responsibility on me eh Creeping. Ok where to start. - Embed pictures, read This to find out how. - Add a detailed description of the shape and feel of the map - Remove "my best map" from your title - Remove all the caps locks. - Remove the noob talk. (Teh N0ob T4lk) - Fill in all the writing that says " add comment here " etc. I think i got all of them.
Re: F3NC3 W0R1D ( sorry for number- text hybrid) why wont it show image, i did link and everything!!!!!1!!!!!!11!
jdc, don't double post. Also, don't label yourself as a bad map maker. We were all bad at one point, you will improve, don't worry about it. Also, now that we are on new forums, I suggest taking out the [br]'s because they don't work here. And I suggest taking more screenshots so we can learn what the map looks like. The screenshot also looks a bit small, try to follow this guide on how to post pictures.
"If you do post a map, make the name of the thread the same as the name of the map. This keeps the forums easy to read and scan quickly. Topics with long titles, titles with unnecessary symbols, or titles using all caps may be locked to keep things fair for the other members." -Shock Theta
Do noty post if you arent confident that it is a good map. You will only get a few downloads and it will lower your self esteem even more