how many times will recon be discussed? too many times. recon will be coveted simply because its not unlockable. you have to be given it. and people ALWAYS want what the cant have its that simple
I personally think Recon armor is ugly. Even if I do unlock it when ODST comes out, I won't wear it. ODST armor looks the best.
I just want it because the shoulders look cool i really dont care to much about the chest or the helmet. But i wont be wearing it to much since im always changing my armor like every other game. lol
I just hope that the people who already have recon will get something to destinguish themselves from the others.
Idk, recon is alright and i'll definitely wear it for a while, but when it's not rare anymore it's just gonna be another haywabusa. I'm interested to see if any new armors will be introduced to halo 3.
i'd wear it because i like the helm. i like the rest of it too but i like the helm the most and it'll probably replace my security. i wish they'd made it so you could put the katana on any armor.
At first, i thought wanting recon was dumb. I said, hey, how is new armor going to effect the fact that I'm going to kill you? Wearing pink is enough for me. As long as they feel humiliated. Then i thought, hey, think about it. How would those idiots feel if i wore recon, in pink, and teabagged their bodies for 7 1/2 minutes straight, all the while singing, "I HAVE RECON, I HAVE RECON, AND YOU DOONT, I HAVE RECON!" Hell, theyd probably just go to their friends and say, hey, i got teabagged by a guy in recon! And the other idiot would go, MAN THATS ****IN AWESOME! So i guess i dont really care anymore. And next time you play halo 3 on the ark, check out your helljumper bot teamates armor, its practically the same as recon. HA! NOW YOU HAVE THE SAME ARMOR AS A BOT, HOW DOES THAT FEEL?
i genuinely wanted the chest piece from day one. however, since Bungie Day, Im so worn out on seeing this armor that i sorta dont even like it anymore.
I can tell a person's personality in the first couple minutes I meet them now, due to the cawnz. I don't wear the racoon shoulders, I wear scout shoulders. Little kids piss me the f$%K off too. And that concludes my post on the cawnz.
First of all: No one cares (or should care) about the story behind Recon. No one thinks Recon is cool because Scout was made in the same testing facility (unless making an accurate machinima with it needed) People want recon now because its rare. Once a bunch of people have it- not many people will wear it unless they think it is good looking. I will personally wear the shoulders- I will celebrate having recon when it first comes out by wearing it though...
I don't honestly care what anyone else says, I unlike other people, actually do like the look of it, and I would want it for it's exclusivity, regardless what it looks like.
If Recon came with Halo 3 by default, I'd wear the helmet regardless of every other variant. I've always liked the helmet.
i agree with everyone else people only like it because its exclusive ill die down when everyone has it, for alot of people its already died down, i personally only liked the shoulders and chest the helmet looked really bad...
I hate how whenever somebody in the game has recon, somebody ALWAYS has to mention it. Why can't we just let it be an armor piece... and not something to worship.
I've a friend with Recon and when I went around his house, in one game of Social Slayer he got about 8 friend requests and countless messages. If I had it I would just wear my regular armour, safe in the knowledge that I have what all the little kids want.
I think Recon is a cool looking helmet. It's natural that is so coveted because it's exclusive and hard to get. But even after ODST is released its still going to be relatively rare. The ODST vidmasters look to be really difficult. Especially the Classic one where you have to finish a level on Legendary without firing a shot or using grenades. Egads...