For those who got the new map pack 3 for cod5 (and if you didnt GTFO and dont complain about it bungie sucks more) its really freakin sweet. and just like the achivment whores you are you played it and got them all. but the "elevate your senses" achivment were you activate the fly trap then really wierd **** started flying in the air and everyones like wtf.but no one cared because you were to happy with your 25 points. but if you listen the girl says lets play hide and seek. after activation several teddy bears appear on the map. now what happens if you find them and were you find them i dont know myself. i have only seen 3 bears and a monkey and there are 6 or 7. also this could be a mess up but on the world at war website they released all the weapons for the new map. and a type 99 and sawed of double barrel appread. which cant be found in the map. i have heard rumors about the game ending and you get those weapons but i would like anyones help to somehow either discredit me or help look for them. please post your findings. teddy bear locations 1. facing the Pack a Punch turn right and look up the building and theirs one sitting on a broken window the building of the first bear location go to where the cages are and there is one sitting there 3. on the moon upgradeable weapon use only 4. 5. 6. 7. also there is a monkey in the furnace in the garage but if you hit it without shooting the others the rest of the bears will disappear.
FIX YOUR GRAMMAR. I can't understand what you are saying dude. Really, just re read the entire thing, and fix anything that doesn't make sense.
Never post on Forgehub again if you think Bungie sucks. I know for a fact that they care more about their communities than anyone else.
When the Fly Trap is activated, you are then allowed to get the Type-99. The game doesn't end, it's just a weapon. Remember this: If it's a gun, it doesn't end anything but lives. Those rumors are lies.
no there is no type 99 in random box or in der reise it was taken out. and there is a sawed off in the box cause ive got it before
really bungie only cares about you because they want your money. and like i said dont comment on that off topic **** that only makes me think less of you
That is all six items. You are mistaken. First of all, there is no bear on the moon. Modders have been there and checked. Second of all there are two bears, a monkey, a pistol, a molotov, a bowie knife, That is all of the items. The monkey might be holding something, I forget. Anyway for my knowledge as of now that is everything, I've seen this youtuber do it every possible way you could think, including getting the items prior to killing the bears and the monkey. It always ends the same way. As for now, that is all I have figured out. Enjoy the info! I'll find the links to the proof in a minute. That's what I forgot! The stielhandgrenade and the juggernaut! Of course. The bears and monkey's have the items.