Share how much you love your Nintendo DS and what games you have so that we can have a giant Forgehub Nintendo DS stuff
Hai guyz. My name is mooregames and I am a recovering DS-aholic Hi Mooregames! Haha... jk. I love my DS, though. I really don't want to list all the games I have though, but I have Lego Star wars and MArio Kart + Diddy Kong DS Racing... which do you think is better? I say Mario Kart, but I love being in the planed in Diddy Kong.
Sweet, I love playing on my DS. I cant list all my games, but the most prominent are Mario Kart, the two Advance Wars titles, and yes, i do have pokemon (ditto above)
I haven't played my DS in ages, ever since I got an iPod and started driving, the need for it on road trips is pretty much eliminated. Plus my Box occupies most of my home free time. Although, before I used to really enjoy it, and played Mario 64 and Mario Kart a bunch, and the occasional Nintendogs (it came with the DS, but then I got a real dog so it pretty much blew after that). Besides that, I only have me Gameboy color games (which are Nintendo compatible).
I got one. Haven't played it for a while. I'm usually playing Halo, Guitar Hero or World of Warcaft and I'm in classes in the evening. I really only play it on trips. When I do play it's Mario Kart, Brain Age and Phantom Hourglass (Zelda).
Man, i dont know what i would do without my DS, seriously. I use it all the time. I have Mario Kart DS Metroid Prime Hunters Custom Robo Arena Megaman ZX Advent Ninja Gaiden : Dragon Sword hmm....i coulda sworn i had many more. guess i musta sold them at gamecrazy heh.
I let my friend borrow my DS Lite, since I'm not using it at all. I liek Zelda? Off Topic fo sho, but why in hell is there no port of SSB64 to the DS yet?!
omg pokemon is the most 1337 game made for the ds i spent hours apoun hours hours breeding and ev training my perfect team. I raped in the battle tower. but my couz could still beat me with his stupid ar
I wish I had something to play on it..Hunters was cool..and Zelda was cool..and I have another game..oh mario..thats cool..and yes pokemon FTW
Umm... i have a DS but I just play game buy games on it. Fire Emblem, Pokemon, FF, etc. Not very often though...
Oh my god the DS rocks so hardcore. My friend has this thing you can buy for the DS called a "Super Card", it's supposed to allow you to watch and listen to movies and music via DS. Well it's slightly modded and he can get the DS's games' ROMs for free and put them on his DS. I benefit slightly from this because he is a sharing person. But just about any good game for DS that gets releases finds it's way to his Super Card. Also I have my DS Lite, so hit me up and I might have a friend code for ya.
Are we allowed to talk about aquiring these supercards? or is it against the rules? Than i might get some use out of my DS.
im getting an N5 in a few days by mail, so now "I don't have to carry around the mass amount of games I have"
I have a DS Lite (Black, of course) with MKDS and Pokemon. Yeah, Pokemon kicks some serious rear, and no one should be ashamed of having it. It's marketed as a kid's game, but it's honestly one of the most complicated and in-depth games out there if you get into competitive battling. Mario Kart's pretty fun too, but the computers in it have way too many epic hax. I wish Nintendo would put more effort into making good AI instead of just making someone automatically get blue shells and lightning the second I get in first place. Maybe that's just me, though *shrug*.
My old DS broke, and the model number is gone, so they can't fix. *sigh* BUT! I'm thinking about getting a new ds and super card for it. Fbu, got any suggestions on which card I should get?