I just got this program like 2 days ago, so far made this: Shiny Metal Discs by ~HellsRequiemAMX on deviantART Evil Robotics by ~HellsRequiemAMX on deviantART
Damn dude! Those are freaking tight! I'm not sure how you could use them in a signature but either way, they're freaking sick! 100/10!
Lol, the top one can be used in some random ways I suppose, but the second is fully just for aesthetics by it self. Thanks for the rating lol.
When you say that you "got" the program do you mean that you were able to procure it in a fashion that is not the typical method of acquiring the software? Nice c4d type things.
And you failed. There is no need for depth or a focal in C4D piece of art. It has depth already, and blurring it takes away from the aww.
I highly recommend talking to an experienced friend with working with the program, it helps a lot more, or tutorials. I had a lot of help for the knowledge I have now. As of 2 days ago, it is on my computer, as in "got" lol. Thanks. Eh I see, fine. Like I said above^, find an experienced friend to help you out lol, it's much more fun when someone's teaching you, trust me, I am still the biggest noob at the program, I just learned my basics that's all.
I learned how to put shapes into the canvas, and how to manipulate them from him, he didnt direct me on making that piece though. He helped with the top one.