I loved midship, I will love Heretic. There is nothing more to say on that matter. Citadel impressed me. I was not excited for it in the slightest, but when I saw the footage, I was shocked. For starters, it was much larger than I expected, and it also looks like it will play well. It reminds me of some of the older Halo CE and 2 maps, and I am looking forward to that very much. Longshore is a large, fun map. I can see it now, and can't wait to walk around in it. Spawn already said it, but when I saw the footage I thought that this would be a perfect map to continue my little Infection thing I am working on (not Manifest). This is probably going to be the best map pack to date.
Citadel - Better than I expected. - Bungie improved the lighting, layout and basically everything from that campaign level. Heretic - Amazing environment and surroundings. - Great attention to detail. Longshore - Awesome setting. - Unique mostly in terms of gameplay. I CANNOT wait for these maps.
Lol seriously people were fighting thinking it was a beam rifle? If you enlarge the picture you could CLEARLY tell it was a sword lol face palm to the people who thought it was a beam rifle. Though there is a beam rifle on the map in some new videos on the bungie.net blog there are 3 new videos and so far the power weapons on Longshore are, Sword, Beam Rifle, Laser, Gravity Hammer, Shotgun Weither or not they are all set to spawn on both gametypes idk.
Isn't there a shotgun too? Why would Bungie make a map with Sword Hammer and Shotty? almost all the same weapons
so there is going to be a sword, and hammer, and a shotgun on longshore? where they all in those videos?
I remember seeing all of them, but I don't know if they're a part of the default layout of Longshore.