During a video i saw, I swear to god i saw two different Ghost spawns. It was during a Big Team Slayer game, so one MAY be set to symmetrical and one might be set to both. I may be wrong, but im pretty sure theres two ghosts on the map. The sniper spawns at the bottom hangar door under the sword. Overshield is on the ground level in the far back, near a tunnel. The camo/shotgun are in the under area, with all the dinghies under the dock area. Thats what i know so far.
I don't get it, what are people confusing for a beam rifle? And if pallets can float in this map, I see a ton of potential for minigame maps.
From what ive seen thus far: Shotgun Human Sniper Rockets Camo Overshield Hammer Sword Ghost [possibly x2 in some gametypes] Power Drain Portable Grav Lift [next to overshield]
i definatly remember seeing a "pushable" button that does somthing that i dont know but add that to the pile if its not already there
The button you're probably thinking of is the switch to extend the bridge. I saw it in action on a full length video on gamevideos.com.
Power weapons seem a little "off", y'know? The defensive side has direct access to sword and sniper, and the attacker side has a rocket launcher (in the freezer room). I assume the attacker side also has a sniper, though I may be wrong. Can't understand why there'd be a hammer, either. Seems like there's enough power weapons as it is, especially with the sword.
seemed pretty balanced and thought out to me. Headlong had like 9090 power weapons everywhere and it played amazingly.
confirmed: ghosts ~ mongeese g hammer availible double traxus/single traxus box foundry wall/double walls/corner walls 1 or 2 rocket launchers longshore has 3 levels: confirmed energy sword machine gun turret active camo shotgun spikers sniper Upper area (upper left in original first longshore pic) playable power drain
oh ya thanks confirmed: ghosts ~ mongeese g hammer availible double traxus/single traxus box foundry wall/double walls/corner walls 1 or 2 rocket launchers longshore has 3 levels: confirmed energy sword machine gun turret active camo shotgun spikers grav lift sniper spartan laser beam rifle Upper area (upper left in original first longshore pic) playable power drain vid: http://www.gametrailers.com/video/longshore-map-halo-3/54168
This map seems like it has a plethera, of weapons on it. It may be thought out well, but still seems a little chaotic to the ears. Last resort had 2 shottys 2 snipes, a lazer, and camo, but this bad boeh got moar
Are you sure that there is a beam rifle? The entire argument about if the weapon is a sword or beam rifle- the gameplay video showed it was a sword. So doesnt that mean that there is no beam rifle now? if there is both- where is the beam rifle?
Wow,there ceartinly is alot of power weapons. It reminds me of ascention in a way....from how the flow looks.
At 56 seconds in the vid youll see the beam rifle shot, now the question is: Where is the beam rifle?
but it has to be on the map somwhere cuz you cant have it as a starting weapon, i am aware that that is totaly ****ing obvious as well. off topic: ONE MOAR ****IN POST FOR 200 POSTS I WILL GIVE WHOEVER DOES IT 10000000 COOKIEZ, GOGOGOGOGOGOGO