Starship Troopers

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by DarkBlades, Dec 23, 2007.

  1. DarkBlades

    DarkBlades Ancient
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    Some of you (testers) have already tried my pre-version of the Starship Troopers game, this is the final version.



    Human Base Weapons

    Base Siege

    Bug Tunnels

    Bug Base Hallway

    Bug Base Hallway2

    For those of you new to the game, here are some details.

    The Map Variant is called Starship Troopers: Last Stand.

    Humans spawn in the Defensive Base. The human base comes equipted with...

    3   Barricade Defensive Turrets
    10 Assault Rifles
    4   Pistols
    6   Mines
    1   Battle Rifle
    1   Shotgun

    All to keep the bugs out from doing there objectives.

    Bugs spawn underground, and are supplied with a variety of equiptment to attack the Human base. There base comes with

    4 Swords
    X Bug Instinct Power-up
    4 Camo power up
    4 Flash
    4 Radar jammer
    4 Bubble Shield
    X Fire granades
    4 Lifts
    4 Deployable Shields

    PLUS some placed weapons such as Missle Launchers to Siege the Base and a hammer if your feeling mean.

    Now for the objectives,

    For every round every one has 2 lives and start with Plasma Pistols

    The Humans have 3 parts to the base, Left, Right, and Middle. The Game will choose which side the bugs will have to attack. Within a span of 2 minutes, the bugs must attack the base and pick up the bomb on the side the game chooses. Once the bomb has been picked up, the side playing bugs will instantly score.

    With only 2 minutes and 2 lives, expect ALOT of pressure on both sides, the time will force the bugs to act quickly and force the humans to work quickly to ensure the the base comes to no harm.

    I want to play some games of SST, so if you want to start one, let me know, im in.

    I will be inviting some of the testers to have a few games later today.

  2. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    Re: Starship Troopers - Last Stand v2.0

    First, how about some pictures?

    Second, why not publish the map to the Bungie forums instead of linking to your file share?

    Third, what are the default weapons? Does anyone ever pick up a magnum when they spawn with an AR?
  3. Wraith

    Wraith Ancient
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    Re: Starship Troopers - Last Stand v2.0

    Screenies :mad:. Please?
  4. DarkBlades

    DarkBlades Ancient
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    Re: Starship Troopers - Last Stand v2.0

    Plasmas are default start

    Theres only 1 Battle Rifle, placed

    Screens coming.

    sorry for the bad post -_-
  5. Rejecting You

    Rejecting You Ancient
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    Re: Starship Troopers - Last Stand v2.0

    I looked everywhere on this thread, but somehow, someway, I couldn't find any screenshots. Is anyone else having this problem?
  6. DarkBlades

    DarkBlades Ancient
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    Re: Starship Troopers - Last Stand v2.0

    Images are now up , sorry for not putting them up in the first place
  7. Lance001

    Lance001 Ancient
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    Re: Starship Troopers - Last Stand v2.0

    Your post is gorgeous.

    Your map sucks. =/ Look, think about Bungie's maps. How often do they have four swords right beside each other? It's called balanced, dude, and this map has none. The human base having all the weapons also spawn right beside each other? Not impressive. Your map looks pretty, but I can tell from screenshots alone that it's horribly unbalanced. Two active camos right beside four swords...come on, bro. =/
  8. DarkBlades

    DarkBlades Ancient
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    Re: Starship Troopers - Last Stand v2.0

    Firstly, theres only 2 minutes per round, and 3 lives per person.

    There is a fair amount of ballence. Im not going to hide weapons because the bugs need to work fast,and so do the humans.

    1stly, dont judge my game if you havent even played it.

    I have played quiet a few rounds and the only problem of ballence I have had is the Invisabilities giving the bugs too much of a sneaking advantage.

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