Sandbox Stay on the pole!

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by The Molemyster, Aug 13, 2009.

  1. The Molemyster

    The Molemyster Ancient
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    Stay on the pole! (Inproved)

    Stay on the Pole!

    Hello and welcome to the "Stay on the pole" game! This is my first map posted on Forge Hub, so please take it a little easy on me! The object of the game is to, well... Stay on the pole! Its an Infection game and the Humans must try to stay on there Poles for as long as they can, until they fall and die. It is very simple! Recommended for 4-8 Players, but work with any number of players!


    The Alpha Zombies start with a sword only and take 0nly 50% of damage. They are black and they can hide in the dark corners of the maps very easy, so keep an eye out. The Alpha Zombies start on the floor, with a tunnel leading to the Crypt, which is a 15 second walk away, giving the Humans time to get ready. When the Zombies get in the Crypt, they will fall into a Drop-in base, which stops them getting killed instantly. Then, they have to sneak around the Humans Gunfire, using the rubble on the floor as defence, and hit the Radio Antenna until the Humans fall off there pallets. When a Human falls off the Pallet, there can't deal any damage and are VERY easy to kill. Normal Zombies start with a Swork and a Gravity Hammer, but are VERY weak. All Zombies respawn right next to the hole leading to the Crypt. The Grav Ham can very easy knock the Humans off the Pallets.


    Simply try and keep your antenna from falling over, and kill the zombies before they get too close. Also, keep an eye out for hiding zombie, who could strike out at you at any moment, so kill every last one! Defend your Friends as well, or they will turn into Zombies with Grav Hams! If you play with more than 9 People, then some people will spawn on other antennas, and wont be able to attack, so defend them as well!

    How it work:

    There are 8 antennas, which all have Pallets on. On top of 4 of the Pallets are Custom Power-ups. These let you shoot and deal damage. They also make you Invincible, but only last 3 Seconds, but instantly respawn. So, if the Human falls off, the Base Player setting dont let you shoot, so you will die because you can't defende yourself.


    Alpha Zombie starting area:

    Zombie respawn area:

    Overview of Crypt:

    Rubble on the floor (Infected use as Defence):

    The Zombies Drop-in base:

    And finally, the sky message:

    Action Shots:




    Game (Stay) ---> Click here
    Map (your pole) ---> Click here
    Hope you Enjoy!
    #1 The Molemyster, Aug 13, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2009
  2. TehRandomBoi

    TehRandomBoi Ancient
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    Hello, and firstly, I would like to welcome you to ForgeHub.

    Second, about this post, do not post your map on here without it being ready. When you post your map, you must:

    1. Embed your screenshots of the map
    2. Have a link to DL your map and gametype

    Please fix these in 24 hours, or the thread will be locked. Also, remember this for your next map, as the same rules apply.
    #2 TehRandomBoi, Aug 13, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2009
  3. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    2 days could be a problem, it needs to be fixed in 24hours or it will be locked. the concept sounds cool, so if you get it fixed soon, i will download.
  4. Duckyz

    Duckyz Ancient
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    if its going to take 2-3 days for some pics you could change the thread to a preview of the game

    i dunno if you can but try otherwise lock within 24h
  5. uF HaVoK

    uF HaVoK Ancient
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    I read the post, and thats a pretty cool concept.. Though your post isnt up to standards, the way you used the custom power ups was really thought out.
    I think this could be fun if it was forged well (even thouhg by the description, doesn't sound like there is much to the forging)
  6. TehRandomBoi

    TehRandomBoi Ancient
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    I should've said this earlier, but we only need one post about the thread standards.
  7. ShortKidPena

    ShortKidPena Ancient
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    Here are wat i think his pictures are:









    You're welcome-
    #7 ShortKidPena, Aug 13, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2009
  8. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
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    Uh-huh. I have a similar concept to this one. So anyway, I think that it looks like a pretty decent honest-to-god minigame map. There's not much of the design you could work with, and the crafting skills needed are unecessary because this looks so simple to build. Anyway, you REALLY should put that the people have 50% gravity, so you could jump to another pole as a last resort. Anyway I'm sure this is the type of custom game that in a party of 16 you couldn't get the jerks to stop delaying the countdown. I would like to play this game, probably more than alot of others here that don't realize the simple elegance to it.
  9. o1000LioNs

    o1000LioNs Ancient
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    pretty cool!
  10. 1Z4N0 SL4Y3R

    1Z4N0 SL4Y3R Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks like a fun map, and it has my download. Oh, and what does your avatar say?

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