Soccer Field v2 This map is a small 3v3 Mini Soccer Field map made on Foundry. With an elaborate and clever scoring system, it makes for some great fun. Pictures Kick-off Blue side Red side Scoring System If you walk into the scoring area without the ball in the goal, you will fall into the teleporter and be penalised with a death. Once the ball is in place in the goals, you can walk over it and plant the bomb. One point will be added to your score and the round will end. Map & Gametype Map (Soccer Field v2) Gametype (World Cup) Notes There is a glitch, if you hit the grav hammer when the ball is in the goal, it can go to the back of the single box and you will be unable to score. I am not sure on how to fix this so if anyone has any ideas please post. Also, this is my first ever finished forge map & game type. Please leave some constructive crit. Thanks.
hey jado... its me macka... u know your best buddy. LOL cheers for this site its awesome. Oh and btw people, that map OWNS!
That looks quite good actually. Maybe with a few tweaks and a larger field that could be as good as grifball. Well it is queued.
Yeah, I wish I could make it bigger. There are not that many walls though, so it kinda sucks. Double boxes are too big aswell.. >_>.
Nice idea. It's like indoor soccer. I like how you did the scoring system, although you will need to figure a way to prevent the problem you described, because it sounds like it could be used for defense (and no honor rules is key). Sorry, no good suggestions off the top of my head, though. And I like the KotH idea too. Not that it's hard to pick up a bomb, but simpler is better I guess.
The KotH thing doesn't work, because it's not round-based, and the ball needs to reset. Any ideas/bugs?
put a small shield door... infront of the box. So then it the ball cannot get into the small box. Only the player.
i saw the first on of this and really liked it this one i also like but it is slight different for me
It's average I'd have to say, sorry. It looks good but if the floor was interlocked it'd look better. I like the scoring idea though, unfortuantly it leaves you with no return system..You have to wait for the ball to spawn?
Hey Jado could I work on a V2 for this map? Kinda make it like Spartan Soccer V2 except with your scoring system? Give you equal credit?