Which is better? http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=90135592 http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=90067212
The first has better poses but the second has better textures. use the poses from the 1st with the texture of the second and you've got yourself a sweet ass screenshot.
Normally I'd prefer the second one, cuz personally I found this effect better than the first, but because the camera was slightly off center when you captured this one, the impression isn't quite as powerful as the other. If you still have a film clip, perhaps you can go through it again and capture the effect at a better angle. If not, theres no need to worry; the pictures look great as they are.
I agree all the way with SmokinWaffle. First shot has epic poses, as if in battle. Second shot has dull poses but good texture. The lighting in the bottom is a little bit off though.
I think the reason for the first poses is because of the power drainer exploding and bumping them up a little.
i like the first one's texture, just because i can be different. the second one's poses are better because it looks less staged.
I like the first one because it looks more actiony than the second. The second is good but kinda boring.
yeah i was leaning towards the second, but idk, i think thats lookks just more common and not as interesting.
The first one is better then the other one cause the texture isn't needed, its the poses that make the pictures.