This is my first post on forge hub so tell me if i posted something wrong or broke a rule. I play alot of teamswat and like it alot. I made this map wanting it to be like a teamswat map or slayer. PaintStadium That is the top and bottom of the map.This map is Designed to be used for Teamswat or Slayer.I also made a gamevariant to use on this map called StadiumPaint.Ill put it at the bottom next to the download link for this map.Well here are some more screenshots. Teleporter-Used to get to the bottom. 1 Located at ea base. Well thats it Enjoy the map! Here are the download links Gamevariant Download MapVariant Download
I recommend embedding the pictures so they actually show up. Make a photobucket account, upload the images onto your computer from, then transfer them to photobucket. After that, simply take the IMG code and paste it into the thread. I also recommend that you improve your gammar. Perhaps you should try the Firefox Browser, it has auto spell check. Good luck to you and I hope you get the pictures up soon!
Hello Remusrowle and welcome to forgehub i see some flaws in your map which most if not all can be fixed: 1. in the sky bubble you placed walls as floor which tend to go crooked making a bumpy floor which will make everyone jump when running. 2.with the teleporters players could camp them and would ruin the fun off the game even with the sheild doors players can go behind them and wait for players to come ruining the game for the opposing team. now i shall tell you how to fix these problems 1. in the sky bubble use wall huges and wall talls they do not go crooked once youve saved quitted then come back. 2. make a teleporter for the reciever and one for the sender put them in seperate rooms put a shield door on the reciever and a grav lift on a weapon holder pointing outwards so they cant camp it. i think this map is quite good although its been done before but i dont care about that you may want to interlock to make it look neater although in a map like this where is it needed. so far: 3.5/5
This map looks pretty sucktacular. It's totally escapeable from the Crypt part of it and it's it's a bunch of junk thrown around, not even Symmetric junk, just junk! Delete the Crypt part of it, then delete the inside of the skybubble part and actually honestly put down some tactical cover. And also, wouldn't this be for Paintball if it's PaintStadium?