I'd just like to know which xbox some of you guys have and also if anyone who bought the original Xbox Pro 20 gig felt/feels cheated when MS released the Elite and Pro 60 gig, which I believe they are trying to phase out with an Elite price drop. Why not drop the Pro to the current Arcade price, ditch the Arcade and keep the Elite and Pro? I mean seriously who buys an xbox without a HD? I think the 60 gig Pro pack is a giant rip off at $100 when the 120 gig (standalone) is only $135 at most places. Call me a cheap asshole and I knew that MS would do this one day. I own the original pro 20 gig.
I myself own the later produced standard with 20 GB. It might be the same on you're speaking of, but I remember purchasing it in late '07, while the Elite was already manufactured, so it wasn't the 'pro' package. I'm probably going to expand my HDD soon, seeing how god damn extensive Xbox's game library is becoming. Really, I would only find myself playing Halo 3, GoW2, CoD4, and GTA4, which is ample room on a 20GB. But with upcoming releases, and already released games grabbing my attention, I'm gonna have broaden my experience. As for the Arcade bit, I'd assume the actual percentage of people buying them for arcade games is lower then the percentage of people buying them for RRoD with a voided warranty, and voided repair. I now realize Microsoft pretty much produces them for this particular scam. Is it really a hardware malfunction, or a massive scam?!? Still, I'm sure people without the RRoD, and no xbox history buy an arcade an use it often. Yet, it's bound to be upgraded with the purchase of a HDD. All part of Microsoft's mission to take over the world.
I have the one that gets really hot, runs 100x more loudly than my computer, and has like no memory. And it's white.
Had a 20gig. The xbox broke. I still have the HDD. I got a new one a while ago, it's 60gig, and works great. So in total, I have 80 gigs.
I own the original 20 gig as well. I also find it annoying that they dropped the elite price, but not the 120 gig HDD price as well. Now that HDD is almost HALF the cost of the entire system. I feel especially cheated when I can get a similar sized hard drive for a laptop at half the price.
I have the original pro, but last year for my birthday I got the 120 GB HDD, so I basically got an old system but a pretty good chunk of memory.
I got a Falcon board on a Zephyr bottom with a Xenon lid. My Xbox is all sorts of Frankensteined. Originally a 20gig pro and now an additional 256 onboard memory. Hopefully my last motherboard!
I have a 20 G, 60 G, and an Elite. Xbox's keep breaking and I keep buying new ones. =S Oh well, now I have 2 spares.
Elite. The damn ****er is loud as hell, and i always get the E63 error i believe. The hard drive error, tis' very annoying.
I got and elite when they came out, then I sold it to pay bills...now I have a Halo3 xbox/20 gig hd with about 300mb free(I need to upgrade)
Elite w/ 120GB hard drive. it's my first xbox and i've had it for about 10 months now and i have no complaints.
I have a Halo 3 Special Edition Xbox, with 20 gigs. It's my green, mean fighting machine. Never ever had a RRoD.
This is me as well. I've had it since the first day. Though, with it being, what, 50 bucks more than the regular, I wish it came with a bigger harddrive. Eh. I only use about 12 of the 20 Gigs anyway.
I got the one with shiny silver 20 gb hard drive and the shiny silver controller (like the grey part is shiny). Oh also, it's the white one.