Map Created by TrueDarkFusion & SargeantSarcasm 10 Players is Recommended When the peasant society neglected to pay taxes to King Minos of Crete, they were thrown down a long chute into the domain of a horrible mutant of a being known simply as the minotaur, a combination of bull and man. Inside the the dark labyrinth of hallways and chambers, those who were not severely crippled by the 30-foot fall were forced to fend for themselves, oftentimes becoming a tribute to the insatiably-starving demi-god. However, there have been stories of people surviving the wrath of the hungry beast, banding together to attack the horned man from behind, thus suspending his reign of terror until their inevitable starvation. Game Specifications: Humans spawn in a chute and fall into the exact center of the labyrinth Minotaur spawns randomly in one of 4 corner rooms 10 rounds (3 minutes each) Minotaur has 10 meter radar Humans can only see him if he is in their field of vision Minotaur runs slightly slower than the humans Everyone has only one life Minotaur can only be assassinated, all other attacks are futile Humans are equipped with a pistol (for a sense of false hope) against the Beast's strong grav hammer Minotaur gets 1 point per kill Last Man Standing gets 5 points at the end of the round Assassinating the seemingly invincible minotaur gives you 10 points An Overview Disorientation at Spawn Futility Imminent Death Grouping = Triple Kill Taunting Sting Gone Wrong Baiting the Fish Done Correctly Download Map Download Gametype
Wow, that looks awesome. Its so neat and clean, and seams both complex and simple at the same time, Great work.
well, with how good and fun this MINI GAME is, I think it deserves an insta-feature and 10-thousand other posts. Taunting is the greatest and I think that guy in the pic seems oddly familiar... Great map, but it isnt really new to me, but even with that said I usually get a game of it in everyday, and everyone in the party usually ends up shouting " Do it again!" or, "Another Round!" and no person wants to stop. ---------------------------------------- unfourtanetly, either a mod or somebody needs to change the name of the map to Lost Chamber(I think thats it) and to put it in the Mini-game thread.
this looks fun, i hate infection games, sorry, i know you said you love them? but I think this looks simple and enjoyable... ill give this one a shot man, this will be the 1st infection map/game i have ever downloaded!!! I like the story too.
I played this with TXGhost it was extremely fun. It really sucks though when you accidentally run into the zombie.
I see myself! (the orange katana guy next to TXGhost) This game plays extremely well! The map and gametype fit together like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. I had so much fun testing this map, so download now! Oh, and Nicko, It's GoodWhaleSushi!
Hey Sarge, this looks incredibly well put together. Very tidy, which is a good thing because people can argue that it would have been easy to make. But its not about that, its about the gameplay. And this looks like it would be a heck of a lot of fun. I will download and get back to you.
omg TDF is back! this looks like a good map, and the first pic is VERY funny, i haven't seen any of your previous maps sarge, but i hope to see more from now on.
... ahh, a maze map. yeay. Seriously. a maze? no seriously seriously... this might be good, i'll check it out. I know you don't make maps that often so that tells me that you wouldn't post it unless it was bad ass, so I'll assume it is until proven otherwise
This game is a lot of fun to play. Great job on the maze... you really can run away, turn a couple corners, and lose the guy chasing you. And the looming thuds of the gravity hammer make for a nice effect (impending death). Also, if I'm not mistaken, you forgot to mention you only get 1 life. I guess it's implied in the Last Man Standing bit, though.
Triple kills through the wall as the Minotaur make me cackle with glee. Those tasty Cretians think turning a corner can save them.
This game was ridiculously fun to play on last night...up until I lagged out of the game. I love the pic with me labeled "Futility". The best part was when my yellow team mate jumps on my head, over the Minotaur and runs away, leaving me for death....good times. And I loved how the Minotaur (I believe it was you) had someone cornered, and they were pleading to the Minotaur not to kill them, and that they'd tell you where everyone else was if you let them live....I was laughing so hard I had to turn my mic off. Good times.
This looks mighty cool. I'm gonna have a download and spy at the map in forge. Hopefully get some custom games on it at some point.
It wasn't just me that made the map, as I mentioned in the first post it was a collaboration between me and TDF... just so nobody thinks it was a solo-effort on my part...
Loved the map, had loads of fun. Especially trying to keep guard in that hallway, until Shockie slammed right through the wall killing us all.
very nice sarge, you did something right for once. LOL jk, but seriously cool map. But in the myth, Minotaur spawns in the center of the maze
Yeah. I think it might be better as a team king or oddball type thing. Everyone VS the minotaur. He spawns in the middle and has to guard the hill/ball. The other guys have to try to lure him out or sneak around him or something. If they stay in the zone or whatever for long enough, they win. If they don't and the match ends, he wins.