Sandbox Selenity

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by BRANKE0H, Jul 25, 2009.


    BRANKE0H Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Selenity V2

    Made By: brankeoh & asrto man 3

    Please post, and Rate at top right of thread!

    Youtube Gameplay From V1

    • CTF
    • Slayer
    • Battle Rifle x 6
    • Carbine x 2
    • Missle Pod x 1
    • Rocket Launcher x 1
    • Sniper Rifle x 2
    • Needler x 2
    • Brute Shot x 2
    • Spartan Laser x 1
    • Shotgun x 1
    • Warthog x 2
    • Mongoose x 2
    • Regenerator x 2
    • Bubble Shield x 2
    • Overshield x 1
    Pictures / Action Shots

    Blue Base

    Red Base


    Laser Spawn


    Rockets and Overshield Spawn


    Shotgun Spawn


    Bottom Base




    Warthog spawn




    Action Shots




    Rocket Shot




    #1 BRANKE0H, Jul 25, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2009
  2. Limeology

    Limeology Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The bases are definitely the best part, at least, aesthetically. I feel as if there were too many power weapons and too much empty space. The map doesn't play quite as good as it looks it might and the vehicles feel nearly useless. Not a bad map though.
  3. IVIercinator

    IVIercinator Ancient
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    I have to agree with lime on this one. I like the bases and they remind me of Valhalla. But the map is rather open and there's alot of anti- vehichle power weapons with no actual vehichles. And the symmetric maps on the main part of snadbox have been done may times before.

    BRANKE0H Ancient
    Senior Member

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    lime play it before you talk about the gameplay on it because it works very well when you play on it, try it yourself.
  5. the persister2

    the persister2 Ancient
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    I can't say anything about the gameplay without playing the map first, though from what I can see I'll tell you that the map is aestheaticly awesome, also there's too many power weapons the rockets and overshield wouldn't be bad, though they are way too close to each other (the designers of the pit had the same problem though they did) fix the problem and it might turn out as a great map, btw Mercinator, there's two warthogs -_-, and I like the map I'll give it a 4/5, though I dunno about the gameplay yet, so who knows, that score might get better or worse, we'll see...

    PS: why did you type down that there's gonna be a V2 soon when you've just posted it, looks like you knew the flaws, that is just lazy man, just lazy.
    #5 the persister2, Jul 25, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2009
  6. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    From my point of view, the large amount of heavy weapons need something to shoot at... I'm meaning that you need at least either a gauss warthog at each base, a scorpion in a centralized location, or banshees in addition to what you already have.

    As pretty much everyone has already said, the bases currently are the aesthetic highlight of the map.
    Good job, hope to see that v2.
  7. Ac3Snip3r

    Ac3Snip3r Ancient
    Senior Member

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    There is not much cover and the power weapons will completely blow away the vehicles. The aesthetics are very nice though, you just need to get rid of the laser and add a REAL vehicle to each side.
  8. Meteor

    Meteor Ancient
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    While this does look cool, it also looks largely inspired by Frailty. Am I right? The spires are almost exactly the same and the lower levels of the bases use the tin cups too.

    BRANKE0H Ancient
    Senior Member

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    For the people who have played my map should i add a banshee or a chopper where the missle pod is?
  10. Given To Fly

    Given To Fly MP Level Designer
    343 Industries

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    I love the tall base designs, and I'm glad people are making them again. Master016 is testing a map sort of like this but his is in Sky bubble. Anyway yeah this looks a solid map and I'll give it a whirl. Reminds me of Valhalla bases.

    I also want people to stop mking maps where two bases then a side thing that is mirrored on the other side, its getting too un-original, but this map looks like a good composition and I'll DL now before I ramble on and on and on, because sometimes I have a tendency to do that and I don't know why, idk maybe I got it from my parents but I think it skips a generation.

  11. maxp0095

    maxp0095 Ancient
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    halo 2

    I love the base structures, they are really aesthetically pleasing and remind of some of the "forerunner" structures in halo 2. This is just my opinion but i think if you put a banshee in the middle of the map, take away the laser, and give each base a missile pod, the gameplay would be improved. (and the banshee would remind me even more of halo 2 lol)
  12. EleeTz A BaMF

    EleeTz A BaMF Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Best Map EVER!

    Very aesthetic map, 4/5.
  13. Urban Myth

    Urban Myth Ancient
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    This map has much potential, there is a lack of cover but I don't want to say much about it since I have not played it. I will however suggest that you shouldn't mess with much of the weapons. The reason why is, the map instantly reminded me of frailty (but symmetric) it has its style. When you think of the weapons on that map they are not that different as far as placement goes. I believe you should worry about geometry before weapon placement.

    Oh and please don't add a Banshee haha I can see that it can easily take over a game.
  14. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    Id be lying if I said that seeing the Rockets, Laser, and Missile Pod all lining the midline of the map isn't getting pretty old. It'd be nice to see you try and spice up the weapons a bit from the norm, because Ive seen that exact same weapon setup at the middle of the probably 40% of 2-base mid-level sandbox maps. Which ultimately means that they all play pretty similarly and none really stick out
  15. sSENSE

    sSENSE Ancient
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    I like how the bases on your map look. It looks very nice and kind of reminds me of valhalla, not a bad thing or good thing. I think that you shouldn'tve put warthogs on the map because the warthogs might control the entire map and will end up kinda' gay like standoff. I also think that you should remove rockets. Good map anyways.
    overall 3.5/5
  16. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I can't read this because the text is all white. Please change the text color to default so that the people on FH Light can read your post.

    That aside, I really like the design of the bases and it looks like you have very clean forging throughout the map. My only concern is that there is a lot of empty space, some of it filled with very random structures. Try to fill that empty space with something that isn't really random and connects with the rest of the map.
  17. Shlbamobinladen

    Shlbamobinladen Ancient
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    The bases totally reminded me of Vallhalla but didn't play like them so i was surprised. Any way it is a bit open but other wise great gameplay and asthetics.
  18. luckeas

    luckeas Ancient
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    So I like some of this map.

    But you map is broken in some areas.

    First, there is one way to get on top of each base, I can guarantee teams camping up there and raining BR fire down.

    Second, the middle has no ramps whatsoever causing you to have to jump to get up there, that is easily fixable.

    While this map is open, it is fine how it is, contrary to some posters beliefs, sorry BKs you can't run around mashing "B" on this map.

    But since it is open putting a Banshee on this map would be a big mistake, and then trying to balance out the Banshee by putting too many anti-vehicle weapons would be another mistake.

    So, there needs to at least two (minimum) ways to get to the top of each base, it'd be nice if there were three. The Regen also should be put somewhere else besides the camp paradise you have going on top of the base too.

    I do like this map but it is balanced poorly. Vehicles won't have a chance on this map, and spawn killing will most surely happen a lot with some of the geometry you've got going.

    And please don't try and defend your map, these are all legitimate problems, ones that can be fixed, and heres the secret, care more about gameplay and solving problems like spawn killing and balance than you do about aesthetics. Good Luck with this one.
    #18 luckeas, Aug 15, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2009
  19. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
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    If anyone downloads this, it's because they're impressed by the aesthetic towers. (You copied Valhalla!) But it's definately not because it's the greatest gameplay map they've ever played on. This map is obviously in favor to medium/long range combat. The closest range weapon to be of any use is the rocket. Any vehicles on this map are easily overcome by the power weapons. And finally I must tell you that I really like the U-shaped structures. They don't add the greatest gameplay, but they're cool alright. The crafting on this map is obviously the best part about it. Because I've seen plenty of 2-team map concepts on the middle of Sandbox. The design is alright, because you added pleasant aesthetics and definately recognizeable landmarks. Plus the sniper spawn. Overall I'd give this map a 7.5/10 because it doesn't really seem like the type of map where memories are made.
  20. Shlbamobinladen

    Shlbamobinladen Ancient
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    W00t Oh ya at the end in the video I think thats me pulling the flag. lol. The gameplay is pretty good except for that dang lag. oh well. Glad to see a video up, but my only concern is the middle with no direct ramps. But thats an easy fix.

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