I am constructing a Map on Sandbox in the Sandbox and it is going to be symmetrical. I Want to have 2 bases and other stuff. But i want it to be a SWAT Map and I dont know whether to have a closed in base thats like a building, or an open base which is more "breathing" if you will (not closed in) Please give your input on which one I should use. Thank You
What if you were to do both like something like Vacant from CoD4. That would be something cool, Like indoor and outdoor.
maybe you should try and not put bases in at all. Putting bases in maps can make gameplay boring and camping all to common. Whati think you should try to do is create something along the lines of what archaic achieved. Here is a link to the map. http://www.forgehub.com/forum/featured-halo-maps/75807-archaic.html What this map achieved was by not giving teams bases players were more inclined to move around the map. So in a simpler way i dont think you should make bases at all. p.s please don't make it on the middle level unless your enclosing it because otherwise it will be to big for SWAT.