Sandbox OLN Budget Glitch Question

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by GeneticSpartan, Aug 10, 2009.

  1. GeneticSpartan

    GeneticSpartan Ancient
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    I have made a sandbox canvas with all the default objects set aside, and now I'm doing the Ultimate Budget Glitch to it. My problem is that I run out of money before I can set ALL objects "Run-Time Maximum" to +1 higher than the "Placed On Map". How can I get around this?

    P.S. I know there are already canvases like this.
  2. camyhead1

    camyhead1 Ancient
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    im not sure how to do that stuff but why dont you just use ones people already have made??? that saves you the time of having to do it yourself
  3. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    I think the Run time max is set high for the default items. You can lower those to get more money.
  4. GeneticSpartan

    GeneticSpartan Ancient
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    I had already done just that before, but I still have about 15 objects left to budget glitch. The only way I know how to budget glitch the rest is if I were to delete some of the default OLN objects, but I don't want to do that unless I have to.
  5. xHBxSOLO

    xHBxSOLO Ancient
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    Why would you need every item Budget Glitched in the first place I think the maximum amount of items you can have on a OLN Canvas at least for Sanbox is like 500 or 520 something around that.
  6. Vincent Torre

    Vincent Torre Ancient
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    There are lots of reasons to budget glitch. For one thing the max number of items is 640, around 100 of those are just spawn points and objective markers. So that leaves say 500 objects to play with. Some simple math tells us that 500 x $5 = 2500 which is 1000 dollars over the budget. So if you want to use all the objects you absolutely have to budget glitch it, simple as that. And there are lots of people who always build over budget.

    Then you have people who build maps down to the last dollar, and let me tell you something it is a pain in the ass to try and forge with no money. You can't stack properly and every piece you place is a battle against the budget. With a budget glitched canvas there is no real difference between the first piece you place and the last.

    Another reason is that when working on a OLN Budget Glitched canvas, you NEVER have to delete the original objects. This way when you're finalizing your map and you come to find out you need 2 more objective markers and are out of objects, you can start replacing objects on your map with OLN items, and then you can free up another ~100 objects. This way your map is never limited to to poor foresight.

    So when you're all done with your map, and you realize you can probably fit it under budget, just delete all the unused objects and turn off the budget glitch, then save this map as a new map. Now you have your 'under budget' release version and your budget glitched 'editing' version in case drastic changes needed to be made.

    In conclusion ALWAYS use a budget glitched canvas, even if you think you'll never need it.

    Edit: To answer the OP's question. Once you run out of budget, end the game and start a new one. At the start of the game budget will still show up, set it to the +1 then save and end game. You'll have to do it for each object.
    #6 Vincent Torre, Aug 10, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2009
  7. GeneticSpartan

    GeneticSpartan Ancient
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    I tried to do that, but it still sets it back to 0. I also tried to save it while I have the 1 highlighted, but that doesn't work. Also, every gametype object deleted itself for some reason.

    THE SPEC1NAT0R Ancient
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    I made one of those kinds of maps. how I got around it was just to place the items that still had not been budget glitched and placed them aside and did it the old way where you do max runtime. the other way is to do all non OLN first then do all OLN the old way. there is no way to use the cludder free way on all objects in an OLN map.
  9. GeneticSpartan

    GeneticSpartan Ancient
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    Thanks! That's a good idea.
  10. Vincent Torre

    Vincent Torre Ancient
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    If every gametype object disappeared then don't bother. Those are one of the biggest reasons to use an OLN canvas at all, as they don't cost any budget or items.

    You need to be using the Ultimate budget glitch method to get all objects glitched. If you're using the standard budget glitch you'll run out of money as you've found.

    Here's a skybox stacked budget glitch version I use:

    edit: and a crypt version:
    #10 Vincent Torre, Aug 10, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2009
  11. GeneticSpartan

    GeneticSpartan Ancient
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    I'm making a budget glitched OLN canvas with all the default objects stuck to the ceiling of the crypt, so that they are really out of the way. I've already had to make the canvas twice. The first time I finished putting all the objects up there, I noticed a box had gotten deleted. Now in the second one, the gametype objects disappeared. I guess third time's the charm.
  12. Vincent Torre

    Vincent Torre Ancient
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    Be sure that no one joins your game and leaves. That will cause the objective objects to disappear.

    Always work in private games.

    Here's a tip for working with stacked canvases.
    1) Set one of the double blocks over the main set of spawns, then another one over the starting spawns. Then spawn a spawn point or two down where you're working, you'll always spawn in your work area and then when you need to do spawns just move the block and start using pieces.
    2) Have a 2 way teleporter that goes between your object location and where you're working, then if you need to grab an OLN object it's a quick trip to grab an item. Especially useful for moving spawns.
    #12 Vincent Torre, Aug 10, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2009
  13. GeneticSpartan

    GeneticSpartan Ancient
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    I don't really want to do the old budget glitch on any of the objects, so could anyone tell me how the creator of THIS canvas was able to ultimate budget glitch every object in the map while keeping all the default objects? The creator hasn't been on in 4 days, so I can't contact him to ask.
  14. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    I could be wrong but if you plug in a second controller you can hold a piece with one controller, change the RUN time Max with the other controller and then delete the item with the other controller.
  15. GeneticSpartan

    GeneticSpartan Ancient
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    That's what i did for all the other objects. But I can't do the last few objects because there is no money left. The run-time maximum just changes back to 0 when there's no budget left. I just want to know how that guy did it. I'm thinking he cheated and deleted some of the default objects, so that he could ultimate budget glitch the rest of the objects, and then spawned the objects back that he deleted.
  16. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    It is a good question. Are you making the Run time max just one higher than is on the map? Did you fix the Run time max for all the default items? If the other guy deleted some of the original itmes are you confirm this, please let us know. thankps
  17. GeneticSpartan

    GeneticSpartan Ancient
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    Yes, all the items that are budget glitched have only +1 higher Run-Time Maximum than the Placed On Map.

    I spawned objects to the maximum on the other guys map, and I only got to 613 when I reached the OLN. So he may have deleted some default objects and then spawned them back.

    Edit: I'm going to double check how many objects there were later. Just to make sure.
    #17 GeneticSpartan, Aug 12, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2009
  18. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    Nice work. Let me know when it's done. I might use your canvas and help promote it if it comes out good.
  19. GeneticSpartan

    GeneticSpartan Ancient
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    I just double checked his map, and I can only spawn 613 objects out of 640 on it. So some of the default objects were deleted and put back.
  20. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    Wow, nice find. What is the purpose of putting the objects back? That seems kind of dumb now that I think of it. I wonder if that person knew if anyone would discover that.

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