Foundry Archival

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Ghost00000119, Aug 10, 2009.

  1. Ghost00000119

    Ghost00000119 Ancient
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    By: ultramule47
    Rev. 2

    This is ultramule47's map called Archival. This is a well designed map with a banked arch and a tree fell sniper spawn. Weapon spawns and player spawns are set for a fun game of Team Slayer.

    This Map took roughly about 1 week 2 days and 4 hours to design build and to tweak... Special thanks to iTz CoNsEqUnCeS, Ghost00000119 and oO SLiK Oo with the spawns and ideas.

    Thanks for the comments and suggestions on the map.

    Sniper spawns on left tower.


    View 2

    Needler spawns on left, plasma pistol in box on center.


    Sender Node (fused in box)

    Receiver Node (near sniper)

    Gametype Info:
    Plays with Team Slayer gametypes

    Weapons Include:
    Carbine(x2), AR(x2), Needler(x1), Beam Rifle(x1), Sniper Rifle(x1), Plasma Pistol(x2), Spiker(x2)

    Other Info:
    Changes in Orange
    Breaks have been fixed. (unless you find more)

    (Comments appreciated)

    Download Map
    #1 Ghost00000119, Aug 10, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2009
  2. ONeill117

    ONeill117 Ancient
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    this post seems like its been thrown together very quickly? maybe provide more comments with the pictures, and a general description of the map and how it plays? i just saw the photos and then it was over, you know? the forging looks good but maybe the map is just a little cluttered? hope this helps
  3. ShadowSilencer

    ShadowSilencer Ancient
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    I agree. If pictures are worth one thousand words, 7026 words just isn't enough to get a great idea of the map.

    P.S. Yes I did actually go back and count how many pictures and words there were.
  4. Combat P3nguin

    Combat P3nguin Ancient
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    Its a pretty good map but like the others said it has been thrown in very quickly posting on forgehub should take nearly 30 minutes maybe less if your a fast typer. but it needs to be a very good post to get the public to veiw and download the map. but the map itself is very good.

    You have great and unique way of forging interlocking and geo merging is very good i had to get a few lessing latley because i suck at forging but this map is very well forged

    4/5 for map 2/5 for post

    At least you got the download link right

    I will download and give you more feed back later

    Feedback: there are two breakable placeces in this map ones in the first picture jump near the stairs and your out and th other one is in the 5 picture you get get out of there aswell

    This map is great but did you build the back wall because it is one of the neatest walls i have seen in a very long time
    #4 Combat P3nguin, Aug 11, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2009
  5. xFatalx

    xFatalx Ancient
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    The map looks good and all, but a better description would be nice. It does look like a great map however so congratz on that.
  6. Ghost00000119

    Ghost00000119 Ancient
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  7. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
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    5/5. It's Foundryworthy in the age of Sandbox. Great job, although like all other great Foundry competitive maps, it looks a little too cliche. Of course each and every design is completely different from other maps, but there's nothing extraordinary. Oh well, maybe I'm being too picky..
  8. The Stickmen

    The Stickmen Ancient
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    I still enjoy foundry maps and this one is put together very nicely. Is there anything on here that makes me but that doesn't take away from the map. Its forged VERY nicely and everything seems to flow. I get a pretty good idea from the pics on what's going on. I guess if you spent so much time on the map itself, spend some time and give everyone a good idea of what you have to work with on your map. Look, either way its again VERY nicely forged and your ideas work well in this map. 5/5

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