Lofty Towers is my first completed map. It's actually based loosely off two levels from the PS1 game Spryo the Dragon. The map is asymmetrical and was originally designed with FFA games in mind, but it works just as well, if not better, with team games. The layout consists of two sides, a red and blue side, connected by 2 center pieces. There are several different routes across the maps, including several 2-way mancannons. In terms of balance, the red team has easier access to some power weapons like the turret, firebombs, and overshield, but the blue team can still reach them. Blue team's main advantage comes from the high ground of their base, the tower. The splazer was chosen in place of a sniper to give players more of a chance to run for cover. Although it is technically assymetrical, there are aspects that make it feel like a symetrical map as well. Also, there are a few breakable spots and minor aesthetic issues, but due to the fact that I've reached the object limit, there isn't a whole lot I can do. Any feedback is appreciated and I'll try my best to fix any problems. ----NOTE---- MAKE SURE TO RUN THOUGH THE MANCANNONS Weapons/Equipment/Power-ups Battle Rifle x6 30 sec, 2 extra clips Shotgun x1 120 sec, 0 clips Brute Shot x2 60 sec, 2 clips Needler x1 90 sec, 2 clips Carbine x2 30 sec, 2 clips Splazer x1 150 sec Grav Hammer x1 120 sec MG Turret x1 150 sec Plasma Grenades x8 60 sec Firebomb Grenades x2 60 sec Regenerator x1 120 sec Bubble Shield x1 120 sec Overshield x1 180 sec Gametypes The biggest game I've played is 4 v 4, but I would recommend anything from 2 v 2, possibly all the way up to 8 v 8. (AR or BR starts) * = untested FFA Slayer FFA Oddball FFA KOTH (Use a longer Hill move time) Team Slayer Snipers (FFA or Team) Multi-Flag 1 Flag* Assault Territories Juggernaut* VIP* Infection I would also reccomend a shorter suicide penalty. Due to the lack of guardrails it's fairly easy to fall off, but with brute shots and a Grav hammer in the mix, you can use that to your own advantage. Lofty Towers Red Side Blue Side Center (Splazer) Overshield/Fire nades Layout ACTION SHOTS Drop in Gunned down Caught stealing Flamed And the notorious Recon shot If you play any of the untested gametypes, let me know how they work. And if you get a good custom game going, I would really appreciate an invite (GT marshie 333), I didn't get to play on this map as much as I would have liked. Thanks to everyone who tested Thanks for checking out Lofty Towers DOWNLOAD HERE
All I can say is "WOW", this map looks amazing! I won't rate yet until I've tried it, but it's a definate download for me! Great job! P.S. If I get a good custom game going, I'll try to remember to invite you! EDIT: I played this map, and here's my review: This map, has got to be my favorite map on sandbox, and I'm not just saying that! 4.75/5 Great job!
this is a crazy map. great job man. only question is how in the heckdid you not hit th OL or run out of money.
This map is fantastic at first glance, especially considering this is your first. Its crazy with all the mancannons and no real symmetrical feel.....this looks like it could be a blast for FFA or team slayer. Im excited to play on this tonight and great job on the map. Your merging looks above par and the map just SCREAMS fun. Very excited to play on this. Edit: After playing this I am really liking this for ANY type of casual game. There are a bunch of power weapons everywhere and complete diversity everywhere you turn. Insanely unique. And very well crafted at the same time. Even though I still don't know where I am or going after a few games on the map, I don't care and I love that. Not so good for serious competive games though. Super fun for small teams or large. Seriously nicely done. Lets see if they feature such a unique map. It deserves it.
"First completed map"? How much hours did you spend practicing forging before you got this map in? This is better than any of my works on how you crafted it. Overall this concept is unique and original and must I say... THIS MAP IS HUGE. As geeky as Spyro sounds to some of the Halo buffs here, I'm pretty sure that most of them will agree that this is a pretty epic map. A surprising 5/5!
I love how you got the idea from Spyro I love those first three games and it is totally random which is good these days. The map is fairly large especially for one in the Skybubble. All the aesthetics are nice and its a bummer how you hit the OL. Overall the map is solid good job on posting your map as well. Kudos (Too bad you can't glide from tower to tower)
Thanks for the good feedback guys, I put a lot of hard work into this and I'm glad it shows. It's also nice to see some people recognize Spyro. It's dated, but it really is a great game. (With an amazing soundtrack.) I'll be playing later tonight so feel free to message me and we can try to get some games going.
Holy cow. This map is a masterpiece. Someone should ask Bungie to make this to Halo:Reach. If you make more maps like this Bungie have to hire you to make maps for incoming Halo games. Actually this is better than most of the Halo 3's original maps.
LOL I loved Spyro I can see the resemblance between the too Does it have any vehicles Well any way I've downloaded it and going to fly round in a banshee to give the spyro experience back Good forging love it 5/5
This map is stunning! The overall design is magnificent and the aesthetics amazing. I especially liked the curved bridge, that looked tight! Another thing that pops out to me when I look at this map is the weapons placement. It's not too overdone and it's just right. Another thing: this map is modeled after Spyro you say? That's excellent! I could never take the time to cross a map into a different game! 5/5 and a download for me when I get on live!
Thanks all, and @ physcopirhana, no, there aren't any vehicles. Originally I planned to include a single banshee, but viewing the map from certain spots caused a lot of lag and visual glitches so I removed it.
If there was a competition for the most unique design, I feel sure this would win. I've never seen a map quite like this before. I doesn't look like ultra-competitive material, but I'd sure like to get a few casual team games in on it. I'm surprised you made such a large and multi-leveled map with the Sandbox OLN, good job making the most of everything!
I played on this map. And the whole thing is MASSIVE. Plus there are several features you did not show during this post that are worthwhile to mention. The fact being that the gravity hammer pushes people conveniantly off the edge without needing to kill them on impact. Or the jumps on this map. Those are pretty sweet, too. You could definately play this with a max party, or just 3 people (which is what I did, and we still had a blast). The key to this entire map is the insane diversity from one part of it to the next. We were all amazed that you didn't reach the item limit. This needs to get a feature for the fun value of it, bungie favorited, or put into matchmaking.
It looks awesome. I like the idea that you recreated a map from a old game (I hate sony!) and that it turned out pretty good to be a awesome slayer map. It shouldve been in bungie days playlist even!!