I thought it was pretty epin.
Wow that's purely awesome I like the fact how the Spartan stayed on banshee a bit before he skyjacked it, very nice video
Nah, we were testing the map, and I was trying to break it, and he went to splatter me, and I didn't even know what had happened for a couple seconds, thats why I walked on the banshee. And my friend wiggums rendered the video for me.
You have no idea how frustrated that made me. x( I literally just got the Banshee five seconds before that happened so I was like, hell yes, Banshee time. Then I see you 'nade jumping and I'm like, I'ma splatter this foo' and then you're like, rawr I'ma skyjack you because I pull tractors with my asshole, boogaboogabooga and then I was liek, I'ma be smart and boost outside the map so he'll die by the towers but then you were liek, no u.