Sandbox TrenchWars 1918

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by 1Z4N0 SL4Y3R, Jul 21, 2009.

  1. 1Z4N0 SL4Y3R

    1Z4N0 SL4Y3R Ancient
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    Because of the many suggestions about weapon pickup, I'm going to try it. For 10 seconds you will be able to pick up weapons, then no more. I'll edit the post to say this if, when I test it, it works well.
  2. Dak393

    Dak393 Ancient
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    ok sounds good but I did like it with weapon pickup on

    ok first yes you do need to play the map it makes a big difference the gameplay is great and If you use the stealth correctly its amazing and not weak at all and I don't think we'll see those other things on a V2. (the banshee represents artillery/air strikes) O ya and the map does not need to be interlocked more than it allready is it extends the field nicley as it is.

    yes the only thing I would add if you did it that way is to make them never respawn

    1. Thats kind of oun of the points of being a heavy, anti air and you can also kill it as a soldier the banshee usualy has to get pretty close. Also hide in the trenches thats what there for the banshee gets stuck if it trys to go after you

    2.Its hard to hit a stelth class when you don't know where they are even if you spray bullets your unlikley to hit them as a stealth I've never been hit by random gun fire. The one shot kill is fine.

    3.It does not need to be more interlocked than it is the way it is now extends the map and there are no cracks for a granade to fall through.

    4. why would you betray your teammate? It does not make it unfair with the weapon pickup if you had shotty and sniper you would be doing one of two things, camping in the bottom of a trench where a stealth can pick you off or even a soldier with granades, or you would be poking your head up sniping acting like a sniper and get killed by an enemy sniper or a stealth.

    You need to play the game before commenting like that
    It is well balenced
    If there is an amazingly good sniper like I experienced you can try to snipe him (that didn't work for our snipers) or you can be a stealth, run past all the other players and kill him which we did multiple times.
    Its easy to push forward the game usualy goes back and forth many times before it ends.

    I still think you need to raise the spawn points up or something because when a teammate of mine spawned in the sniper spawn and there was no gun he waited there forcing all of us to spawn there with him and giving none of us weapons.
    #62 Dak393, Aug 10, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2009
  3. Zombie Kitten

    Zombie Kitten Ancient
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    Hello Everyone!

    The problem about a weapon not coming is unavoidable. I have been working on a new Trench Wars (v2) and i completely redid the spawn rooms. I still have two left to go. But i realized that i would not have enough money or budget limit. The rooms are much more complected and a whole bunch neater and would have made a great addition to Trench Wars. So I am very sad I can not put that version up. So, I am going to have to put up an earlier version with the same old spawn rooms.

    This version has raised parts on the trenches so the machine gunners can shoot out of trenches. The entire field is redone so that it is not directly facing the laser towers. It is made at an angle so that the towers are only in your side vision. Stuff is neater and there is more interlocking. On the sides of trenches there are boards that allow you to drop into the trenches then jump right out instead of having to get on the sniper boards. There are a few more features that you will see for yourself. I will probably have this version up tomorrow so to everyone that sees this post look for Trench Wars V2!!
  4. GameVenator

    GameVenator Ancient
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    The banshee looks like it may be a bit to dominant, if one teams banshee gets taken down i would say they are screwed.

    Other than that looks liek it would give soem great replay!

    I will probably DL
  5. Darksircam

    Darksircam Ancient
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    I think the banshee spawn time is good, though it would be better if they're easier to kill. The heavies are less maneuverable than the Banshee, so they're dead in a one-on-one. Nothing else can counter it.
    If the respawn time is increased, the surviving Banshee (the one left after they first spawn) will probably dominate the whole map, giving that team a higher chance of winning.
    With smaller parties, you could replace the Banshee with a Mongoose or just play without vehicles.

    Edit: Wait... I don't see any reason for the Stealth's camo to last only 90 seconds. Is that to prevent camping? Because then they turn into a person with an energy sword and a pistol.
    #65 Darksircam, Aug 10, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2009
  6. Zombie Kitten

    Zombie Kitten Ancient
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    1: To everyone, stop saying that the banshee is overpowered! Play the game and actually figure out for yourself that it is not all mighty. It gets taken down soon most of the time or gets hijacked!

    2: I do not understand the point of a mongoose? It wouldn't even be able to get across the first trench.

    3: The longest you can make a custom power up last is 90 seconds. Anyways, just about everyone dies before the power up wears off.

    4: We do not even to need to prevent camping because there is no use of it. The trenches are too big for someone to be able to kill everyone that comes in.
  7. 1Z4N0 SL4Y3R

    1Z4N0 SL4Y3R Ancient
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    Chris calm down a bit about the banshee. Everyone is entitled their opinion. But yeah, the max time for a powerup is 90 seconds. A 1 on 1 Banshee vs Gunner fight, the gunner does win, unless the banshee pilot is REALLY good.
  8. Velheka

    Velheka Ancient
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    + Nice map, DL from me, but just a suggestion (Don't know if anyone else has said it) you could, to make the map look a little more cleaner, overload the level and glitch just one wall out of the level and block the light fromt he tower there? Then you wouldn't have randomly floating walls. But I know you said the map was maxed out so maybe that could be a suggestion for a V2.
  9. s3anz2

    s3anz2 Ancient
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    My buddies and i played this for hours and it went really well. Awesome idea with the different classes. The only problem we had with the map is that the shotgun/ turret class, aka Heavy Class, doesn't seem to measure up, especially when the other team has a sniper. There is just not enough range. Other than that, it is a great forge, an original idea, and the best custom game i've played in a long time.

    EDIT: I've just noticed that sometimes when i'm invisible with sword, I am able to pick up weapons and be invisible, Is this lag, or are you supposed to be able to?
    #69 s3anz2, Aug 12, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2009
  10. ZhonLord

    ZhonLord Ancient
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    Personally, I love it. The map is enjoyable, challenging, and it has an interesting twist with the classes. The only thing I'd say is that the stealth class is a little overpowered, actually. If the stealth gets caught it's a sudden death moment (he can kill or be killed in one hit) but if he doesn't, then all he has to do is waltz over through enemy lines and take the territories from behind.
  11. CookieMan

    CookieMan Ancient
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    Thank you! I looked forever for a similar map for a gametype I ad designed, based off exactly the same game. I could not find a map. I will Dl, and PM if you are interested in what gametype I was using.
  12. 1Z4N0 SL4Y3R

    1Z4N0 SL4Y3R Ancient
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    Wait... What? The links are in the post.....

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    This game can only be described with one word, perfect. Respectably, I understand there are FEW flaws and that you are doing your best to work those things out for the new one (I cant wait!!!). But overall, this is a brilliant, well thought out, well put together, original, fun as hell Halo 3 map and gametype! Amazing map and I've yet to find a flaw in the gametype. I'm just curious if it supports a 16 player group? anyway, good work!

    Ill be looking for more great maps from YOU! ;)
  14. Zombie Kitten

    Zombie Kitten Ancient
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    Thanks a whole bunch. I would have had the the new version out by now but i faced a major setback.

    I needed to start a new round so that i could do 1 more thing then i would save the map. Well, when i went to start the new round i accidentally pressed end game and all my progress has gone away. So that has made me depressed and mad so i just decided not to forge for some time.

    I am going to a weekend camp this weekend so i will start back forging around Monday when i get back. Thanks so much for the comment.

    This map will not support 16 people. There are enough spawn points to be able to but when you spawn there would just about be no weapons all the time. I recomend playing it with 5 on 5. I think it works best when you are doing that.
  15. 1Z4N0 SL4Y3R

    1Z4N0 SL4Y3R Ancient
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    Well, yes, it does support 16 people, but it may be hard to get a weapon. Try it though, and it still is really fun!
  16. iTzSilverandrew

    iTzSilverandrew Ancient
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    Wow, actually seems like a fun map, you have my DL.
    Maybe a game variant should occupany it, where you do not regain health, sort of like the firefight gametype idk.

    I'll fiddle around with a gametype and hit up some customs with your map :)
    I like the trenchs, and overall the map looks very neat.
    Altho the spawns you can easily steal your team mates grenades/weapon ammo and power up on accident. =S
  17. b0ng0fr33

    b0ng0fr33 Ancient
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    Nice! (+) i really like this idea and its original... idk what else to say for constructive criticism. it looks pretty flawless
  18. Rab1d Squ1rrels

    Rab1d Squ1rrels Ancient
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    Looks real good man (+) Cant wait to play is. Qued.
  19. Eculc

    Eculc Ancient
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    haven't read the entire thread, but right off I have a few suggestions; all of these have to do with gametype, not the map itself.

    1. set the spawn settings to be able to pick up weapons for the first 10 seconds or so. this would keep people from mismatching classes and potentially being able to dominate the entire map.

    2. give inf. ammo. this would allow no-weapon-pickup to work, because players would never run out of ammo.

    this would completely eliminate the problem of 'changing classes', because you can't switch out your weapons.

    on to the map...looks amazing, have not seen this idea done before. excellent way of integrating classes into the game, as well. until a playtest, 9/10.
  20. Blep1337

    Blep1337 Ancient
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    sweet map...i loved 1917...great idea for the trenches and stuff i never would have thought about that

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