I like it. Theme is photomanip. STOCKS USED: Spoiler http://twittey.deviantart.com/art/CITY-NIGHT-LIGHTS-121238018 darkness-stock_mobject19 by ~darkness-stock on deviantART Castle ground36 by *faestock on deviantART Clock Stock by ~t-gar-stock on deviantART Self 29. by ~The1stGrape-stock on deviantART
I think that might be because I contrasted them too much, and you can't see the right side. I see what you mean though.
I agree with Nor, the goggles seem to be just pasted on rather then blending with the girl. the rest of the image seems too monotone, so i might spice it up with some color.
yep, goggles.. try doing some shading on the sides i guess... its hard to say what would make it blend better..
Maybe a slight drop shadow would make the goggles look more real? I don't know, I'm not too good at that kind of stuff. Other than that, I think your entry is pretty good.