Orbital is very much a medium map, as it has vehicles. Small maps have no vehicles, and a few other reason I don't know. But Orbital is very confusing, might as well count it in undecided. Thanks for the comments on the list, btw. Took over an hour of my time, XBL is down right now.
Wow this thread is still alive? It went to the bottom of the forum.... Well anyways- Heretic will still be a good map despite it's small size because although it can be mimicked in forge- it will never have some factors be exactly the same such as scenery, the mancannons (launch to an exact height) and maybe some other things. I would also say that Epitaph should be a medium map- especially if Narrows is... Narrows is about the same length but about half of the width of Epitaph... Also- you cant really count a forged variant of big maps as a second big map... Also things like Headlong arent exactly UNSC maps- they are urban maps. Have nothing to do with either army. The Pit would be a UNSC map, Assembly would be a Covenant, Headlong or Longshore would just be an urban map.
im sure it will be fine when ever bungie bring out a map pack there are the haters and the lovers just live with it i guess and play it or just do customs i dont think you are forced to play them and the chances of it appearing in MM is a low percentage now there are loads of maps to choose from so im sure it will all be fine
Okay Heres All The Maps that have been remade on Halo 3. Cold Storage = Chill Out (Halo1) Sandbox = Blood Gultch (Halo 1 & 2) I Know Im Confused Too. Guardian = Lockout (Halo 2) Blackout = Lockout (Halo 2) Valhalla = Blood Gultch (Halo 2) Heretic = Midship (Halo 2) Avalanche = Sidewinder (Halo 1) Bungie may have problem with map ideas. But Really I Agree. We could All Simply Remake These.
Well, yea. What he said. Hey, you've still got a whole bunch of new maps for firefight and a campaign. And if Epitaph was a Medium map, that would prove my point further. So we're done? No more arguments?
1: Im not complaining and never was.... 2: I never said that it was a bad map and I hate it.... 3: Im just pointing out that it could easily be made on Sandbox and was wondering if anyone else noticed that, made said remake and thinks that it would be better if Heretic were something else... But I still think that Heretic will be good because you cannot forge the effects, the force of the mancannons, make the exact effects, etc...
Glad you are. Anyways, Longshore is pretty much a lot like Headlong. A few buildings to go into, open outdoors and an urban theme. That's the closest we're probably gonna get to Headlong.