The Sky-bubble now has its very own Garbage Man! Larger than the first, Foundry, Garbage Man and is inescapable. 1 person starts off as zombie who knocks warthogs, blocks, golf balls, and barricades into the man-cannons below. preferably played with a large group of people (8-16 players). This is my first forge-hub post! I'm not sure how to work everything yet but enjoy the map and game-type! thanks! ~GLORY GAME-TYPE--- : Halo 3 File Details MAP--- : Halo 3 File Details P.S. please let me know how to improve my future posts! or if i did something wrong in this post!
You need to have at least one embedded picture in your post. Check out and type in your GT. It should bring up all your pics. Click on them and then copy and paste the link at the bottom onto your FH post. Good luck, and welcome to Forge Hub
hello and welcome to forge hub first off you need to embed some pictures to do this go to Halo Screen Shots and type your gamertag in the top right side of the screen, then click on the pictures you want of your map then copy the BB code and past it in your original post. hope that helped
Awww man! I hated this map! I think I actually knew the person who made it ... But anyway I hope this one will be alot easier to kill the people with, being that the floor is a layer of pallets! P.S. Post more action shots. I don't care if everybody knows how it's played, at least represent the Sandbox changes in picture format.
Its a lot easier, theres no gigantic clogs in the back that everyone just hides behind. Its open so most of it just flies off.
Why does it need to be embed? what do you need a link to photobucket? just look at the screenshot like it DL hate it comment, plain as that!
Stole my idea... Ahh anyway. Great to see this map brought to sandbox. Gonna test it out, see how it odes. Good work