It Takes Two DOWNLOAD: : Halo 3 File Details This is a puzzle map I made that's meant to be played with two people. It's possibly the very first co-operative get-to-the-finish map in Halo 3. I did not include a game type with it as it seems unnecessary. This map should be played with regular Slayer, but with three alterations: -infinite ammo -invulnerability -no grenades The object is to get to the end with your partner (you'll know if you're at the end, trust me). This map is possible, even though it may not seem like it at times. That's how some puzzles work. There are a few ways to cheat in this map, but don't bother looking for them. I decided to leave them in because they would be difficult to find, but interesting and rewarding for the few that would stumble upon the shortcuts. PLEASE NOTE: To beat this map the proper way, you must know the Butterfly Jump, the Radar Jammer Jump (which is the Double Jump), and the Melee Jump. The Butterfly Jump and the Melee Jump would be possible to figure out, but the Radar Jammer Jump requires specific knowledge of Halo 3. Please look up the Radar Jammer Jump before trying the map out, if you don't know what it is. An interesting fun-fact about this map is that the first time I finished it, I had about $150 funding remaining. I then tested it with a friend, who constantly found new errors to be fixed. The final build now has a whopping $0 remaining. Even less actually, considering I somehow added a wall with only $3, when they cost $5. Basically, I used the entire $1500, and I put a lot of effort into the map, so I hope you enjoy it! Oh, and I spelled "puzzle" incorrectly in the description on purpose, because the game wouldn't allow "puzzle" in the description for some reason.
Sorry about that. And I don't think that screenshots would give a good idea of the map is about. It's a co-operative puzzle map, how could I convey that through still images?
You need to get some pics up and running even if you dont think its a good idea because it is Forgehubs rule and you dont want an infraction. To see how to better post your thread go here To get embedded screenshots go and type in your gamertag on the right and it will pull up all the pics you have made then use the link or bb code for the pic. If you dont know what to put in the pics just take some of you and a friend working through your map. I hope this helped and welcome to ForgeHub.
I think you should make a game type since you can't just use a simple one you have to alter it but yes i know its not hard but w/e not the first coop puzzle though coop puzzles are years old see tylyr1
I read the rules, and I'll try getting a picture working ASAP. And I had no idea that there already were co-op puzzles in Halo 3. Oh well. EDIT: Bam! There's the screenshot. Once again, I don't think that a screenshot will do it justice, but rules are rules. EDIT2: Tylyr: I just played your co-op puzzle maps, they're amazing! I'm actually honoured to have you post in my thread. Despite the effort I put into my map, yours are better IMO. You should still check mine out if you get the chance, it has some cool parts.