Just a question what r custom skins? I nearing completion any other thing I can do to make it better I would love to know
He means like Custom Textures, something only Bungie could do. His post is misleading but when he says "Bungie Map" he means like Narrows or Valhalla, not a Forge map. So don't worry, what you are doing is just fine.
Damnnn amazing so far dude! Why haven't you posted this yet? Or is it not done? I have always wanted to see a remake of Tsavo Highway, great work...
Well Actually this is not a remake of Tsavo Highway. I did like the level off the campaign but this is more like me borrowing that one part of the level where the Highway is broken. Standoff only because its kind of like a Standoff with two bases and you try to hold your ground or take over the other. Thus the name Tsavo Standoff I will explain more when I post. Shhhhhh keep it on the LOW I just finished it last night imma post when I get off work should be around 5 o clock (EDT)
PRO TIP: You should test before you post, not after. So if you just finished it, you should be posting it for at least another few days.
Ah, I see, Would you like the test I want nothing more than to be pro let me know IxSOLOxl is one of my tags hit me online I should of known this would leak
Dang my dude you kinda scaring me with the demanding nature Sorry shouldn't be chatting in thread but hey who do you recommend I let test it?
Every map should be tested, otherwise how do you know the stuff you placed and the map plays the best it could? At the very least get a few games on it with your friends.
Not sure yet I don't get home until 5 o clock (EDT) maybe at 6 or soon if someone cant wait the long. Ok I here you Chaotic I will test it with my friend I thought you meant like some special group or special testers
dam well sorry dont think i can do it then maybe if you test it tommorow or a second time i could try. but your map truly looks outstanding and cant wait for the release and i agree with chaotic you have to test your map so its the best possible
Just invite some people for testing and get like a 4v4 game going on the map, and change any of the problems that you had. I would help tonight but unfortunately I am busy.