Its stupid **** it takes longer to embed/maybe not possible, dont be lazy just watch the video frag, you always have to be awkward. As for the video, pointless but kl
This is insane. People would argue that he only solves them during the easy parts, but having the ability to complete Mr. Crowley on expert using his ELBOW is still ****ing awesome.
Oh cause i have NO idea how to do THAT. Dude really. I just posted the link cause i didn't know if the website is embedable. I mean, i know it is a pretty advanced concept to move your mouse over a certain spot and click it but i thought most people at FH knew how to do that. Props on being able to actually get into this thread.
Props for trying to be an ass. And failing. Don't be soo ****ing lazy as to not search for a way to embed. YouTube - The Multicolored Multitask (Guitar Hero + Rubik's Cube)
There is no requirement to embed, especially if the site you found the video on doesn't embed into FH. If you can't be bothered to click a link then fine, but don't start flaming and posting spammy comments like this as a result, just don't post at all. That said, despite your tone, thank you for finding and embedding the video from youtube. It's a pretty insane video, some kids these days are just too much. But it's good to say that the new choice of guitar hero for such, umm, specially minded people, hasn't fully edged out the good old Rubik's cube. As always though, you have to wonder whether his parents are proud, or sighing with their heads in their hands.
Ok really? Im lazy? Just cause i didn't embed? Your calling me lazy when your the one that wouldn't watch it because it was a link? Wow. Thank you for clearing things up. This video is quite insane. I wonder how long he dedicated his life to getting this down. A little scary honestly.
I'm thinking that's a bit... harsh. Especially considering that people spend days and even weeks making Forge maps, and that's probably how long it took this guy to do this. You might as well be saying the whole Forgehub community has no life.
Pffff. He solves it on all the holds. Then stops doing the rubix cube for the hard part. Then when he has a hold he looks down and flips it the next way. That's not that amazing. *Looks around the room. "Who ever said we had a life?"
I said I would watch when he embeds. That doesn't mean I said it's against the rules... My word. I'm the one who did more work in the end, and you're calling me lazy? I said I wouldn't watch it unless it was embedded because my computer is a virus magnet. I don't want to go to some site that I don't trust just so I can get a virus. I wasn't being lazy. I was being protective. But thanks for jumping to conclusions.
The impressive part is not how he can solve the rubix cube while he is playing, the impressive part is how he can beat the song on expert using his elbow. He only solved the cube during the slow parts anyway, its not like he was really multitasking.
Wow I can barely solve a rubixs cube, let alone play Guitar hero on Expert, and solve two rubix cubes. That pretty amazing, must of took him a ton of time to perfect it. Plus he was play Guitar Hero in a mirror, and I don't think I could do that...xD
I never accused you of saying that it was against the rules, merely made the point that it isn't, thus your comment was rather pointless and spammy. If you don't want to watch, just don't watch, or to revisit an old classic: don't spam. Perhaps if you expanded upon things like 'why', or even made useful posts in the first place, such assumptions and situations would not arise in the first place. Just maybe. For someone recently making accusations of spam on the basis of criticising and not contributing to the subject of the thread, it looks awfully like that's exactly what you just did. Funny that. Bah, few talents are useful when they get to levels such as this, even less so when they are talents held by kids. That said, I do agree that this is stretching the principle of 'because I can' by just a little bit . So true, I wonder if he sat up one night and thought 'hmmm, how can I combine these two amazing talents? I know, my elbow!'
I find it funny someone who's trying to correct me on my deductions of spam is doing the exact same thing. : /
Considering I can't do either by themselves, wow. An impressive display of coordination and skill and also an extreme waste of his future. Take the time he spent doing this and he could've learned real guitar.