Easy, just name your top 3 favorite maps that you like to forge on, like to see forged and find the easiest to make maps on. I know everyones 1st will be foundry. But I'm interested to know the other maps you find easy to let your imagination out on. I dont really forge that much. But mine would be: 1. Foundry 2. Standoff 3. Last Resort
1. Foundry 2. Standoff, catching up because of its aesthetic qualities like the sun and sattelite in the background 3. Tie between Rat's Nest, Last Resort, and Valhalla!
1) Foundry (duh) 2) Standoff 2.5) Rat's Nest 3) Last Resort It's always Foundry... The new map pack will probably change my list though.
Yeah, hopefully they'll have some new stuff other than the same old that they put on all the other maps.