Alright so this is going to be my first race map and ive spent already two weeks on it, im obviously not very fast. Im going to have alot of aesthetics in this map. one of my ideas is making the volcano explode, which would be easy and is the most obvious idea. I have alot of ideas so if you are able to stand reading so much than good for you Here is a drawing i did to give you kind of an idea(sorry its so big dont really know how to fix it): At the begginging i was planning of having you on the bottom of the map, but you are surrounded by rocks going up out of the ground so you cant get out of this area. Im planning on something erupting out of the volcano and landing on the path, right as your about to go on it, so you have to go to a side road off to the right(obviously this will only happen the first time. this side road will loop around and bring you back to the path. Also i was going to make some of the track be damaged columns, so that whenever you drive over them, they fall off. It well then make it feel like the track is falling apart. you will still be able to drive over the crack, it will be the size of one damaged column. Then i wanted you to start going towards the volcano, and right as your about to go through the middle of it, there is a geyser before it that hits the track. it will be like a small hill that goes up to the track, and it will be hollow inside. i will make it that a grav lift spawns every 10 seconds, and i will put it at the top so whenever it spawns it will fall then 10 sec later be back. so it will seem like it is shooting at different times not continously. And if the grav lift is going you obviously want to wait a bit then go or it could screw you up. After that you will go through the volcano and spiral up to the top were you will jump the small hole. When you are spiraling upi to the top there will be a part were a block, small rolls down the volcano and hits a damaged small knocking it down, making it look like a chunk of rock hit some of the track off right before you go over it. after that i think that you will just ride back on a weirdly angled track. All the scribbles in the drawing will be random stuff geomerged to look like terrain. What i have so far: Alright this is the beggining area where you will spawn(the rocks in the ground are breakable, i wanted them like that so that if you fall off you can get back in) Alright this is the starting gate: After 20 secthe columns always look that way everytime you start, and after 30 sec they disapear for the rest of the game, and they always stick to the top) I completley remade the bank because it was kind of sloppy and hard to do, hopefully this is better And this is a piece of terrain Thanks for your time
this looks very neat and creative ive never seen a pressure pad used in a track so that should be interesting good job i will download when you finish
I think those gravlifts should be used for the geysers instead of the thing that makes everyone start at the same time. Besides, a nice player will wait for everyone to be ready before starting. =)
Great idea. I think it'll be hard to do but worth it. Race tracks need something new and fun like this. I'm also in the midlle of making a volcano but mines alot bigger but just for looks. You should try making a huge volcano and the track raps around and through the volcano and inside the volcano are all 32 fusion coils are to instant respawn and they are pushed out of the top of the volcano and blow up randomly all over the track.
Wait, I looked at the drawing again and realized that there are three geysers. In that case, yes, use 2 of the gravlifts for something to keep everyone starting at the same time. Only the geyser on the road is necessary.
The idea is very good, however the track doesn't really look all that smooth. You may want to fix that while you are ahead.
to brave- i tried making the volcano is big as possible without it having a hole at the top thats to small. and ya about the fusion coils thats kinda exactly what i was going to do shawn- alright thanks for your input ill try and make my starting thing chaotic- what parts dont look smooth? im obviously not very good at making racetracks but i could try and fix it also i have a question: were the banked turn is, if you go on the outside you dont have enough momentum and you fall off, so should i put a grav lift there? because i put one there and its very smooth but i dont like the fact that theres a gravlift randomly there should i keep it or not?
this race track reminds me of a roller coaster call Volcano at Kings Dominion in Virginia. The roller coaster shoots you out the top of a flaming volcano. Cool map idea though, i can't wait to see the final product.
Hey pwnsause would you mind if I used the idea I posted b4. I'm thinking I should turn my volcano into a race track as well. It wouldn't be anything like yours with the geysors or whatever and my track wouldn't leave the volcano.
alright i updated it because i completley remade the bank and i made the starting switch, tell me what you think
well im sorry my penmenship isnt godly. i just finished the first damaged column thing and it works every time, im probably not going to update the post though until i do more on the track.