Cube Series

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Fire Phoenix117, Aug 10, 2009.

  1. Fire Phoenix117

    Fire Phoenix117 Ancient
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    Welcome one and all to my first puzzle maps I posted. I made these a while back I worked really hard on this and did loads of testing,tweaking you name it. I had never once seen anyone break it or cheat the map. These two particular maps a creepy and extremely frustrating. :commando: I hope you enjoy going in hell and escaping.

    Well thats really simple me and my friend started going on youtube watching random Crap and saw CUBE and wondered WTF is this. Anyway we watched the Movie as it was and it was awesome! We liked it so much we watched the others and made it on halo. Simple right?

    The Cube was a weapon of Death and its design was to rip you apart piece by piece. Its main function was to trap prisoners well you can probably guess by playing it. Anyway you must survive through this horror working solo or as a team. Doesnt matter though know one escapes know won has....

    Players Recommended: 1 player or play up to 4 players
    Cube: Foundry
    Cube 2: Sandbox
    Map Size: Large



    YouTube - Cube Zero Trailer Special Edition (Extended)[/"]400 Bad Request[/"]400 Bad Request[/"]400 Bad Request[/"]400 Bad Request

    YouTube - Cube Trailer[/"]400 Bad Request[/"]400 Bad Request[/"]400 Bad Request[/"]400 Bad Request

    YouTube - Cube 2 - Hypercube (2002) - Trailer[/"]400 Bad Request[/"]400 Bad Request[/"]400 Bad Request[/"]400 Bad Request



    There is know reward but if you complete this puzzle without dieing you definetly deserve a cookie.

    Now time for some pics....

    Cube 1

    You want to move forward and fast...

    Which way?


    Oh **** thats not good..



    Cube 2

    Level one is easy well thats my personal opinion.

    Level two is like the most frustrating part of the cube I even have trouble WTF right?

    Level Three is Horrible but you are so close to beating it....

    Thats the end how do I get over there?

    Here is a Design of the Cube there is a code.

    Teamwork needed
    Hint to take down the block:
    Deploy something.


    More Pics and Hints will Come soon...

    Info you need to know for Cube 1
    You have 1 Life!!!

    Info For Cube 2
    You have 5 Lives!!!

    Last notes:

    I hope you enjoy these maps I have provided and have fun dieing and Challenging yourself.

    Download Maps Here
    Cube 2

    Gametype Here
    Convicts(cube 2)

    Cube Zero Will be coming soon
    #1 Fire Phoenix117, Aug 10, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2009
  2. spectraltravis

    spectraltravis Ancient
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    hey fire phoenix when did you join i just down loaded this stuff off your file share this morning and ya i did not firgure out at all how to escape these two courses on the second one i didnt know how to get past the conveyor belt
  3. Fire Phoenix117

    Fire Phoenix117 Ancient
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    I new these would be some what challenging but i didnt think it would be that hard. but anyway spectraltravis to get pass the woodchipper or conveyor belt is to listen and wait for a good time to jump. Its really hard but if you are having trouble with level 2 wait till you get to level 3. lol
  4. thecartographer

    thecartographer Ancient
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    Sorry not to be THAT guy but run and deploy sounds alot like Paratroxity whether this was out first or not I do not know. Anyways forging looks pretty good so until i play these I'll give a 3.5 if puzzle stolen? and 4 if not
  5. Fire Phoenix117

    Fire Phoenix117 Ancient
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    The puzzle is not stolen I just used a line that was used on the all known puzzle paratroxity. True quote from the post but I didnt steal nothing from it I made this a while ago so anyway there is no stealing what so ever I'm just giving an idea on what to do on that certain part of the puzzle. I'll change it so there's know confusion in this matter. Plus paratroxity is a regular puzzle mine on the other hand is time trial and death puzzle there's a difference.
    #5 Fire Phoenix117, Aug 11, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2009
  6. lightsin017

    lightsin017 Ancient
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    Yah this map isnt stolen that was only a riddle from that puzzle map but talking about puzzle maps this one is really good u did a very good job in creating a puzzle based on that movie i rate it 4.5/5 keep up the good work msg me when Cube3 comes in the making
  7. GameVenator

    GameVenator Ancient
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    This stuff loks awesome! Can't wait to try it out!
  8. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
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    Dude, don't give hints to your own puzzle maps. The pros will figure it out, the noobs or the not-at-pro's won't. So no need in making it easier for them!
  9. Fire Phoenix117

    Fire Phoenix117 Ancient
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    I need to make it easier Have you played these yet!! I seen tons and I mean tons of poeple who try this and always need help but the hints are ummm well dont want to ruin the fun lol..
    Anyways please dont give me idea's I already know it doesnt matter what you do I mean I'm not insecure or anything but I can actually put something of a hint if needed.

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