This is just me thinking outside the box and all crazy as usual, but what if bungie made forge similiar to The Sims, with the walls and FLOORS(especially) also u could then make the walls have WALLPAPER!! omg omg omg, then you could make different kinds of windows! and doors! and even go on vacation if you wanted...oh sorry that one doesnt work, but i think you all get the picture, im gunna leave a poll for everyone to vote on, this idea that i got would simply make forging so much easier, THOUGH...on the downside, with making forging ezier, there would be a lot more maps out there, and lets all be serious...theres a craaaaapload of maps out there and by implementing something like this, there would be far too many...but ya im done ranting, heres your poll!
I really think the current editor we have is fine and the whole concept of a sims type editor would just not work.
Well, yes it would be okay, but people need to stop wishing that Forge would be different, it's not going to happen (although Bungie keeps surprising me, see Blackout and Forge filters), becasue it is impossible to add. And, forge is fine already. This makes good homes, but not maps. But that is just my opinion.
Well since Bungie is already including themed items (the coloured walls and stuff) based on each of the maps, the wallpaper idea is kinda pointless. If you ever feel like changing your wallpaper, Forge on a different map
I like how Forge is right now, it takes a lot of skill making things and I like that it isn't something you can do quickly.
well i don't really like H3's map editing tool, i think its a good idea to go sim-style, probably even FarCry style if we were able to do alot more in forge mode...