Sandbox Airborne

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Loscocco, Jun 17, 2009.

  1. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    Recommended Players: 4v4-8v8
    Supported Gametypes:One Bomb, Territories, CTF, Slayer (add custom rule)
    Created By: Mikelp10
    Download Airborne Map
    Download Airstrike Gametype

    Airborne is my newest map and is an action packed map based around air vehicles and pilots. Note that the gametype must be downloaded to experience the best gameplay. Gameplay is intense, balanced, exiting and relies on teamwork.

    The gametype is simple, normal gameplay, players start with SMGs and Plasma Pistols. After respawning, players are invulnerable and have a slight damage increase for 15 seconds to prevent enemy vehicles from waiting outside of a base and spawn killing. After 15 seconds, players revert back to their weak state. SMGs do massive damage to close vehicles and Plasma Pistols are used to shut down vehicles and make them fall to their death.

    The map consists of a series of islands and is very symmetrical. One island is a base where air vehicles spawn and players spawn inside. There are two islands on the side of each base which have a variety of uses, one has weapons and objectives (asymmetric assault, territories) and the other is used as a cannon. There is one island between the bases that holds a laser.

    Vehicles/ Weapons / Equipment:

    Hornet: x2 (1 per base) (longest respawn)
    Transport Hornet: x2 (1 per base)
    Banshee: x4 (2 per base)
    Warthog Gauss: x2 (small side island turrets- long respawn, not at start)

    Missile Pod: x2 (1 per base)
    Machine Gun Turret: x4 (2 per base)
    Sentinel Beam: x2 (on small islands)
    Spartan Laser: x1 (middle, 180 sec respawn, not at start)

    Power Drain: x2 (low respawn on side islands)
    Bubble Shield: x2 (1 per base)

    Here is what the map looks like:
    Overview (cant get entire skybubble pic)



    Gauss Island- (there are 2, gauss does not spawn until 120 secs into game)


    Middle (laser spawns 180 secs into game):

    Objective Bases:


    Base interior:


    Action Shots! :

    #1 Loscocco, Jun 17, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2010
  2. arlight1

    arlight1 Ancient
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    I will download. I'll edit my post and rate it later after I've tried it.
    I really like the hornet spawns!! You can leave but you cant get back in!
  3. Hari

    Hari Ancient
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    I personally played this with mike and i found it a well made and well thought out map that is really fun to play. After some initial issues of total map control were fixed, the game became quite balanced for the two teams. I really suggest this for custom games as it is quite fun to play with friends.
  4. VIBlackDragonIV

    VIBlackDragonIV Ancient
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    I am new to forgehub but so I dont know if maps have been done like this before but if not this is very original in my opinion. just when you thought all the ideas have been used a gem appears like this map.
  5. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    Yea, ive never seen or played anything like this map before and my friends have said so also. Its a pretty basic idea, but I dont think that anyone has ever made it.

    Anyways, thanks for the good review so far everyone.
  6. AgileDan92

    AgileDan92 Ancient
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    This is a new, original idea that I've never seen before. Definite DL from me. I'll give you a more thorough analysis once I've played it.
  7. RipShaDe 41

    RipShaDe 41 Ancient
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    wow this map and gametypes look pretty amazing. i like the whole airborne idea.
    there are not very many maps based on flying and vehichles.

    4.5/5 on the map and idea.

    i will be sure to download and try it out once i get my internet back
  8. R0FLninja

    R0FLninja Ancient
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    This kind of looks like my map, Scramble, although i think you did a good job with tis one, especialy the bases, i could see this making for an intense CTF match with all the island that could be used as guarding the main base.

  9. burnout13245

    burnout13245 Ancient
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    definate DL from me, very good idea, although there is alot of air maps, but this is the first to incorperate territories. 4.5/5
  10. thrame

    thrame Ancient
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    looks cool i may DL and rate later
  11. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    I am working on Airborne V2. I am just in the process of playtesting now and making final bug fixes.
    Here is what I have fixed:

    `Smoother surfaces
    `Gauss cannons are at an angle so the cannon aims directly over the enemy shield doors and banshees from across the map (cannot kill people walking outside and destroy their vehicles)
    `Compatible with Multi Flag CTF, Conquest (must change start weapons and respawn traits though)
    `Extra decorations to bases/ islands
    `modified islands
    `Glitches fixed

    Once again- Thanks to everyone that enjoyed the map. I hope that you will be there when the next version is released.
    #11 Loscocco, Jul 30, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2009
  12. HarryGoss

    HarryGoss Ancient
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    im tired of banshee wars they arent even fun. missle pods arent very fair either. and what are you trying to do with the scaffolding?
  13. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    The scaffolding (and the golden area) Is used as a Pit Stop.... They are for people to land on, gather basic equipment (power drain, Sentinel Beam) And It is also where the objectives spawn- Bombs for assault and you bring the flags there on CTF.

    Its not only banshees, its all air vehicles... It uses every air vehicle possible...

    The Missile Pods are certainly not cheap because you cannot carry them far. You can only stand in your base with it- the missile pod range goes from the base and cannot reach the middle... And the missile pods are incredibly easy to dodge. If you fire 8 missiles at a hornet, the hornet can evade all of them by simply moving to the side and its easier with a banshee....

    Look at the Original Post... It was on June 17.... That was over 2 months ago....
    #13 Loscocco, Aug 13, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2009
  14. o0 UnKnOwN 0o

    o0 UnKnOwN 0o Ancient
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    A very open map with not alot of place's on it but i still find it quite fun to play on but i wouldn't recommend to everyone.
    but i is a very original
  15. LordVurtax

    LordVurtax Ancient
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    yes the proper way to introduce air battling in skybox

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