!! This is my first post so please bear with me !! DOWNLOAD LINK Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details I present to you . . . Axis! This is a very small symmetrical map, desgined for 1v1's or 2v2's. It contains BR x 4 Plasma Pistol x 2 Pistol x 2 Sniper x 1 This map is best used with MLG gametypes, and is set up for slayer, ctf and oddball. Other Shots Overview of map Side Shot Action Shot (I died right before a cap xD) iM iN Payyn3 plants the perfect nade on me
This is a very nice map, not often you see someonr make there own floor geometrey. However plasma pistols are not alowwed in MLG, and I don't think that sniper is drop spawned. Overall a good design, but not a good enough weapon placement/knowledge of the subject to make a good map.
Plamsa pistols are excepted in some cases, and the sniper does not HAVE to be drop spawned. It seems kind of small, unless theres some kind of side tunnels or something not shown. Overall great first map 3.5/5, it could be a bit bigger and have a little more cover.
It's based on 2v2 or 1v1, and I would love to see side tunnels, or subterranean tunnels under the floor geometry in a later update. Also, it looks like it might be good for a game of Stab-Out with a small team, and nice work on the custom floor geometry and interlocking/object placement. However, I don't think there should be a sniper rifle in the middle of the map, a Power-Up, Rocket Launcher/Fuel Rod or a Melee weapon might be better considering the size and shape of the map.
im guessing from this comment you've never been in the sword room on MLG Pit? not a good enough weapon placement/knowledge to make that a good comment... i think the geometry looks very cool, but the pictures show very little? like how do you get up to the top bridges? EDIT: just thought i should be more helpful on a first post! the gameplay looks like it would be good, but i'm not sure if a sniper (or rockets or whatever) will work on this small map. i think it will play similar to Amplified/Onslaught so maybe set it up for MLG Flag as well? that could work well, possibly replace the sniper with a mauler? idk, your shout. but yeah very good forging 4/5
I think that this map is well-built and probably has fun gameplay... The only two things worrying me are the possibilities of spawn-killing and, from the looks of the second to last screenshot, there might be a way out of the map... Besides those two things, I think this map looks great. I will most-likely DL...
Quite a good looking arena type map you have there. Simple design, but it looks like it promises some nice gameplay. If I were you, I wouldn't place the sniper rifle in some place where the player will get shot at instantly. Maybe you can put it somewhere in the side or a more elevated place with covers. Add some lighting too, it would make your map look much more attractive. Nice job.
Nice boundary interlocking. But it's overall pretty unoriginal as far as the design goes, and why's the centerpiece a sniper rifle???
i've DL'ed and this map is ok but with too many people it just gets hectic. there are some changes that I would like to make, so would you be very annoyed if I knocked up a v2?? i want to change sniper to mauler, place more cover around, add lighting/aesthetics, and then build proper bases at either side (Onslaught style) to give places to spawn. overall 6/10 but has the potential to go to 11/10, a v2 i think would be ATLAS worthy even for MLG.
This looks pretty good for a first post. I think it would make a fun 1v1 map. It's really simple but I think you did a good job
Hey guys thanks for all the replies. Im working on editing this map. Please let me make the v2 Things I've Added _ Tunnels _ Changed Sniper to rockets with 0 spare clips _ Added some cover Remember that this map is intended for 1v1s and 2v2s nothing more.