It's "randomly in the air". I think there are a few of them beside the towers. The eggs are on sandtrap, not sandbox. Anywho, nice screenshot Joe. I like the idea behind it, and I'm glad you decided to make it not boring by actually putting thought into it. Rather than just taking a picture of the egg.
Hate to burst your bubble but this was found a while back, the eggs are what fire the lazers out of the Guardian towers. /rant
Usrs? Oh well, I knew the eggs were on Sandtrap in the first place... I didn't know they where on Sandbox as well.
Tehy must b soem kind of sekr3t brut3 3gg!!!11!!1!!!!1! On a more serious note, nice find, I might go try this later. But seriously, do you think they are really some sort of brute related thing?
they are inside the towers they are the guardians, they are what shoot you, like in sandtrap the eggs shoot a laser down triggering the mines.