*may contain spoilers read at own risk* So I just finished it who else played it and what did you think. Yeah I know just finished it I got into the series a little late. So this is the place to put your oppinion on it or comments or just discussion. I personally thought it was one of the best games if not the best.
Yeah rather late to say the least. I've played this games ssooooooooooooo many times its ridiculous. BUT it is however probably the best rpg for any playstation console ever made, well besides suikoden II. that game was also amazing. How did you like the developement of the storyline and such? i hated the ending because tidus and auron disappeared. my friend taylor was playing it the other day and i was telling him how to get the celestial mirror so he can get the ultimate weapons. sorry for rambling i just love this friggen game. ill probly go buy a ps2 and go buy that game from a fleamarket or something so i can play it again. -proxy
If only the ending didn't suck as bad as Transformers 2 did. They killed it really abruptly and it was dumb. And the sequel still sucked.
The story was great I've heard that the sequel kills the story so I won't be getting that but at the end did you wait till the end of the credits it hints at tidus surviving. This game had the most amazing story ever everything was perfect about it.
Dude this takes me back. I LOVED that game (Loved the AquaBall sport, forgot name), great story if I do say so myself, and Final Fantasy X-2 was ok. They could have made it better though, oh well. =)
Yeah that was a quality game, IMO 1 of the best parts was Blitzball! That game had so many secrets... it was AWESOME
Jecht Shot was teh sick. Good game... brutally linear though. @ OP, if you liked FF10 then you might also enjoy Lost Odyssey, it's similar in style and execution. If you're just getting into FF, then I recommend you play... all of them. Apart from X-2.
Final Fantasy X thats my S***! and 7 and 8 but anyway The whole game was sick as and I played it about 4 times through. I was trying to defeat every monster in the dungen at the calm lands. Definitely the best RPG of its time, and much better than a lot that are out now. I just hope FF 13 does not fail me D:
That was my favorite game ever until halo 3 came out. Now it's my second favorite game. Jecht Shot 2 FTW!!!
i remember I retried that part several times til I got it right Don't know how i messed it up at all seems so simple. I intend to play this game several more times to.