Here is one of my latest map that i made best for FFA , TS 2v2 Here is the link to the map: Here are the weapons and perks list BR 9 Carbine 6 Shotgun 1(60) Rockets 1 (120) Sniper 2 (90) Smg 4 Brute shot 2 AR 2 Frag Grenades 8 Plasma Grenades 8 Spike Grenades 2 Fire Grenades 2 (30) Cameo 1 (150) Here is the Teleporters that take you to the sniper tower 50/50 to each side This is where the sniper spawns This is the top middle of the map This is where you can find the Rockets This is where you find the cameo in the middle of the map where every one can see it These are the stairs that take you up to the top middle of the lvl Here is where shotgun spawns (at the center of the bottom) Preview from the left side Preview from the right side Here is an overview of the map at sniper tower
Concept doesn't look too bad, and your past has a decent layout, but I might suggest cleaning the map up a bit. Going by the screenshots, parts of the map look a bit rushed, and overly crooked. I'm not downgrading the map for this, but aesthetics are nearly as important as playability. Perhaps look into some interlocking objects. It's not a requirement for a map, but it can make fitting pieces together a lot smoother.
Clean up! Crooked walls with sniper=too powerful. The cracks give people places to hide and cover large areas without being hit.
Its ok i guess i like the idea but the way you put it together looks really rough. You should use more interlocking. otherwise its great.