OK now i've lured you into my intro... read on... I joined FH about 7 years ago and i still haven't made an intro. (Well it's actually 1 and a half years) So hi, I'm GameVenator, i'm 14 years old and i'm otherwise known as "Sam" or "Boyle" I play Halo 3 and i'm a level 50 I competed in Forgehubs last 2v2 tournament and managed to pull 2nd place with my partner TVL Sickness. I'm currently looking for a decent Halo Clan if anyone has any offers. I've entered the 1v1 conflict tournament and im hoping to finish in the same place as i did in the 2v2! I also play CoD and am also looking for a decent CoD Clan. First Acc- K.D. 1.66- 10th Prestige I have a Turtle Beach X1 headset so yeh... Shock Theta is a hero My hobbies are... -Xbox 360 -Football (Soccer) - Swimming -Cycling -TV -Chilling with mates I'm from England and if you wanna add me just send me a friend request. I've got a 3 month that i use to help people level up. Thanks, GameVenator
hey man, em.. welcome I guess... anoyhoo snice you've already been on forgehub a while I wont go into the specifics. sorry I didnt realise the .GIF images cant be uploaded to FH, I do have an idea though, if i re-make it compressing it down to a smaller size and upload it to photobucket you should be able to use it as your AV I'll work on it tonight and see if i can get it to work
If you ask a moderator or administrator they could add the GIF avatar for you. Anyways, welcome to FH... Or well, Hello.
Nice Intro, it was nice to read Welcome back to FH? Also you CoD K/D owns mine D: (I blame a Sock monkey ) Well um have fun
I find it funny how people can't find things to say to people who make late intoroductions. Anyway, good luck on the comp, and stay cool.
You sound like a really cool guy. Props to you. Very nice introduction, it really gave us a glimpse of who you are. Meaning you're only aiming for 2nd place? lol btw, I send you a friend request. GT is same as my username.
2nd place is still a decent prize And anyway if i do get to the final i'll probabkly epicly fail like i did in 2v2