Sandbox The Wastes

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Final_Assassin_42, Aug 9, 2009.

  1. Final_Assassin_42

    Senior Member

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    Created by: Final_Assassin_42
    Abandoned at the start of the Covenant War, UNSC Outpost 97X4 has been re-purposed for the Spartan IV Project. 8-12 Players.
    The Wastes is designed primarily as a Slayer-oriented map.

    It can be modified to serve as an Objective gametype, without much difficulty.

    Just a heads up though if you plan on modifying it; I hit the object cap on the map, so you'll need to delete some content to add the Objective Spawns/Respawns. Sorry about that.
    Battle Rifle x 7
    Assault Rifle x 10
    Shotgun x 1
    Sniper Rifle x 1
    SMG x 2
    Spiker x 2
    Plasma Rifle x 2
    Needler x 1
    Rocket Launcher x 1
    Carbine x 6
    Sentinel Beam x 1
    Frag Grenades x 19
    Plasma Grenades x 11
    Spike Grenades x 10
    Bubble Shield x 1
    Power Drain x 1
    Regenerator x 1
    Deployable Cover x 1
    Overshield x 1
    Mongoose x 2


    Full Map Overview


    Red Base: Front View


    Blue Base: Front View


    Red Base: Side View


    Blue Base: Side View


    Red Base: Interior View

    Players start the game in the center at the bottom level.


    Blue Base: Interior View


    Red Base: Overhead View


    Blue Base: Overhead View


    The Fins

    These were mostly placed for aesthetic purposes, but they also contain equipment and grenades.


    Sniper Tower: Front View

    The two tubes on the sides have Man Cannons that launch the player to the top of the tower. I figured that would be more difficult to camp than a ramp because they'd come flying out, rather than just walking.


    Sniper Tower: Rear View

    I placed a few fusion coils up in the tower to try and discourage camping the sides, and to make finishing opponents up in the tower easier.


    The Hutch: Overhead View

    The Hutch is basically a small bunker where players can dash in and recover shields. The OS spawns on top of the hutch, along with the Sentinel Beam.


    The Hutch: Interior View

    The Shotgun spawns inside The Hutch. As with the Sniper Tower, there are Fusion Coils placed along the sides to discourage camping.


    Rocket Spawn



    Linkage : Halo 3 File Details


    Hope you guys like it!

    And if you don't... I'll find you. 0_o

  2. Col Keller

    Col Keller Ancient
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    First: thing that this map shouts to me is... you need more cover. It looks like the middle section is a dead mans zone... Try adding some pillars or pretty much anything that will allow users to travel from point a to point b without having anywhere to run to.

    Second:is this reminds me of Valhalla, you control the middle area and your team will pretty much win. Now not that this is a bad thing but your map is very linear, causing players to only have one way for advancement and without any cover on the map, it stops this movement causing slow and boring game play.

    Overall recommendation:
    • add some cover

    Overall Grade:
  3. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well, okay, this map needs a lot. I personally dont like the base designs and you have too many BRs laying inside them for it to look natural. Another thing is that the map is so plain. I'm tempted to say its 100% unoriginal but that would be crude. Try adding aesthetics and Cover like Keller said. ITs too basic for me to download, but hopefully your next map has a touch of something a bit more creative. I'm leaning toward a 3/5 if I ever got to play this.
  4. O Blarg 0

    O Blarg 0 Ancient
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    You have 40 gernades!!! Delete at least half of those, and add some cover. It looks very plain and boring. You should add some structures to the sides of the bases, and definatly some pillars like Keller said.
  5. omgmlg

    omgmlg Ancient
    Senior Member

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    lol, where to start, but im not going to. Most has already been said, in my opinion this map has its potential and for a first map this is not bad and i suggest you keep forging but do some revision and spend time on your maps. Good luck!
  6. Final_Assassin_42

    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the input guys, I'll be overhauling it soon. If there's anything else, let me know.

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