Download Map: Nácht Ð Úntoten Download Gametype: CoD:WaW Zombies This is my first post on forge hub, so if anything is wrong let me know. This is a remake of the call of duty: world at war **** zombie map, Nacht Der Untoten. To open the first stairs go to the teleporters sticking through the wall and flip the chopper. To open the door just walk in to it and same for the back stairs. To work the weapon box, stand in front of the little hole and press rb to flip chopper then press it again to pick up weapon. ^ Overview ^ Zombie Starting Area ^ Human Starting Area ^ Stairs Blocked Off ^ Stairs Open ^ Door Closed ^ Door Open ^ Random Weapon Box ^ Back Stairs Blocked ^ Back Stairs Open
this looks like a pretty good remake. i really like the random weapon box idea even though i dont know if it fully works. i need more pictures of the actuall map instead of all the switches. but not to baad of one. its been made alot and this isnt bad but there are alot better.
i really like this map. its clever and neat but does the random weapon box wurk? if so how? and are the weapons on the walls there?
Yes the random weapon weapon box works, you flip the chopper which pushes a fusion coil into a mancanon, blowing up the fusion coil and 2 other ones which destroy a gravlift that is holding the weapons on the roof and the weapons fall to the ground. And yes the weapons are all on the walls ill get more pictures later of the rest of map including the weapons on the walls and how the random weapon box works.
Ok now that's really clever. I didn't think of doing the random weapon box that way, but that's a great concept to use for the switch none the less. I'm definately going to give this a download and review this afterwards.
Seriously, how many Nacht maps are there? Anyway, You didn't give the specifics to how the rooms get unblocked. Besides that, the top is totally escapeable. I know you probably wouldn't want to escape, but you never know. The main issue is that the option's there. Overall good forging. I know you either hit your item or budget limit. I still think Cowboypickle has the best **** zombies map so far.
I got a game on this map yesterday. And I was dissapointed... There are flaws in this map, mainly with the actual consturction of the map itself. Humans can easily escape the map in the starting room, even with the highest gravity setting. Also, gameplay on this map simply wasn't fun... It was easy for the zombies because the zombies have swords and kill in one hit... The building is already a confined space, so humans have nowhere to run... And it's the opposite when the humans leave the building...
Nice Map it looks kinda like the first **** zombies map but i think it should be a little bit bigger i played this game with 8 people and there wasnt that much space to run around in i liked the RandomBox though thats like the coolest part in the whole map but in other words u did a great job on this i rate it 4/5
A suggestion is to put the color at gloomy to give it more of the dark and well gloomy feel. It looks like a pretty solid remake of the map.