Sandbox Nitrous Vapor

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Race Maps' started by Vapour knuckles, Aug 9, 2009.

  1. Vapour knuckles

    Vapour knuckles Ancient
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    Creator: Vapour knuckles

    Racetrack Name: Nitrous Vapor

    Map Name: Sandbox

    Gametype: RACETRACKS

    Description: This is my second map on Sandbox. Nitrous Vapor contains lot of crazy bank turns that make you pick up so much speed to blow past your opponents. If you play your cards right you won't be flying off the track since there aren't any shield door or gravity assists to help you. The track isn't completely bordered but it is uncheatable so people don't have to race with an honour system for tournaments. This map can test your skill because it is mostly curvy so you need to have good control, and good camera action to stay alive. It's not very hard of a track but if you don't know what you doing it will be fun going fast off the track. There is many turns to have a blast flying above through "the barren wasteland of Sandbox." Have fun and enjoy the ride.



    Video: : Halo 3 File Details

    What inspired your creation?
    I didn't really have any inspiration, I just wanted to finish a smooth track because I haven't made a track for quite a while so I just wanted to make a track, because a lot of people wanted me to.

    How long did it take you to create?
    I worked on the map in a long period of time. I had lots of problems with the UMG because items would delete itself or the UMG would stop working. It stopped working about 23 times, that's right I counted. Also I had to redo some parts, the wood brigde turn, and the single walls turn. Overall I say the track took about 40 hours excluding playing around the map and being afk in a time spread of 3 months.

    What aspect took you the longest to get right?
    Probably the UMG because I kept having to fix it over and over because I wasn't saving as a new map until the end. Also the wood bridge part, I kept redoing it because it was where I was reconnecting the track together and it was level with each other.

    Download here
  2. i2 hardcore 4u

    i2 hardcore 4u Ancient
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    My ratings:

    Asthetics: 4.5/5.0
    Originality: 0.5/5.0
    style: 3.5/5.0
    Racing standards: 5.0/5.0

    Overall: 4.0/5.0

    The asthetics are pleasing as are the racings standard because there are no bumps its smooth and the shape of the turns are perfect. Racing around on this map didn't really do it for me because the style of dips and turns is copied alot.Please post a version 2, my advice is to do the same map but scrap the idea of a map that looks boxed in just way to original

    Thanks for posting this map

    i2 NINJA 4u
    #2 i2 hardcore 4u, Aug 9, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2009
  3. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
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    I really like the style of this track. It has some great turns, and everything is really smooth. I especially like the lack of shield doors/grav lifts. This makes it more skill based and more competitive. I've already played a few games on it with others, and it was great fun. I hope to see more tracks from you.
  4. chung_wii

    chung_wii Ancient
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    WOW! This track looks really good Vapour! I knew you would finish ur tr5ack sometime, I knew you'd been putting it away for a while, glad you released it though. I see how there is no aesthetics, but I believe that the perfect interlocking and AMAZING turns set up a pretty good set of aesthetics anyways... good job man!
  5. Vapour knuckles

    Vapour knuckles Ancient
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    I'm sorry about the aesthetics I really wanted to add them but I didn't plan my ending of the track too well so I reached the object limit. I didn't use a Stacked map but I decided that I just hope it will be a warm up map for another map I have coming soon. Also I couldn't make it for BT since it's a BT kind of track so sorry for those who like BT.
  6. omgmlg

    omgmlg Ancient
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    This track looks awsome really well done!! I love the turns and the whole track itself. My only problem is the fact that im terrible ona mongoose and at driving lol. Awsome map 5/5
  7. PwnsauceAddict

    PwnsauceAddict Ancient
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    alright so i downloaded it and it was really smooth. the turns were pretty fun and i loved how hard the wooden trun was, i had to drift beautifuly(i always go full throttle). but sadly it doesnt appeal to me to much because of its lack of aesthetics. but im very glad you kept with it even through the three months, good job i give you a 4/5
  8. lewis kf22

    lewis kf22 Ancient
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    was fun the first laps, surprisingly smooth.
    try and get alittle creative though. the track got kinda boring reall fast.
  9. Vapour knuckles

    Vapour knuckles Ancient
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    Thank you for the comments I'm glad you all liked it, I just hope that I can finish my other track which you guys will like "atheistic and an awesome track" I just hope everything goes as I plan no hitting object limit :p
  10. Mongoose

    Mongoose Ancient
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    This map is insanely well forged. The turns are extremely smooth and provide nice lines of sight for BT. The lack of aesthetics are made up for by the astounding smoothness of the track, simillar to Cherry Kiss. The track flows extremely well and there are no bumps at all. Keep making maps! 5/5
  11. last_chaos_7

    last_chaos_7 Ancient
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    This map is really well forged I could find no bumps in it anywhere... the problem is... that all these turns are used to much and they get boring pretty fast (oh and don't mind people complaining about asthetics you rarely ever notice them in an actual race)

    on thing I just though i'd point out is for your next map if you use those wood bridges again turn them over... the way you did it makes it so you have very little traction and you have to drift super early becuase you slide so much...

    A great and well forged track =P
  12. Vapour knuckles

    Vapour knuckles Ancient
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    Yea I wanted to have a big drift turn but I never really knew that it makes it have less traction, I don't know why I turned it over in the first place I just wanted to try something but w/e lol. Anyways thanks again guys.
  13. Starkweather

    Starkweather Ancient
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    Very smooth and well-forged. The banked turns are a bit much, however. Some hills and jumps to mix it up would have been nice.

  14. thepenguinod

    thepenguinod Ancient
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    This track looks amazing i haven't played it yet but i am dling now and why is it that in the second picture the bridges are upsidedown my review will come soon

    Great track amazingly smooth great dips alothough one turn is a little sharp and i fell off of it sometime fun to play on
    5/5 looking foward to your next track
    #14 thepenguinod, Aug 11, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2009
  15. Mega Snipez

    Mega Snipez Ancient
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    This map looks amazing and very smooth but it is not very original. It doesn't really have anything that makes it stand out. Still great map though. I give it 4.7/5
  16. Vapour knuckles

    Vapour knuckles Ancient
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    Yea I understand why this isn't getting that high of scores because it doesn't stand out from the other racetracks but I just finished my new one so be ready.

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