My newest map, Obliterated, is a small-ish Foundry map suited for 2-8 player Slayer or Team Slayer. KotH might work for it, but it is not supported. The aim was to make a map that played like Midship, but isn't a remake. The result: Obliterated, which doesn't exactly play like it, but it has the same basic premise. Please download and give me your feedback! Download Obliterated Pic time....
Im not saying its a bad map, but from the pictures it kinda looks boring and empty, try filling it in with... just stuff
Also, people don't really like to see Forge pics. A lot of times, some of the best pics you can get are the live action ones.
The map itself looks awesome. However, it is highly discouraged for someone to take pictures of a map in forge- things like seeing the spawn points distract from the map itself. Second, your Thread NEEDS to be the same name as your map.They will lock the thread if you don't do that.
I really like the way the map looks. I will definately be downloading, the last couple of people have been right about the pics.... But that doesn't discourage me from seeing the pure l33tn3ss of this map. By the way why hasn't anyone remade MIdship?
You are about to get bombarded with a bunch of reviews from people who do not like symmetricality, arena-style, or open area maps. Some of us feel your pain. The interlocking looks skillful. The battle areas look well thought out. The open areas look punishing. Alas, most 14-16 year olds will not appreciate any of that because shooting people in the face with a shotgun while lagging or hiding is so much more satisfying today.
Lok, I have more posts than everyone else in the thread so far combined, And I think the map looks very nice. I like clean lines, you obviously put a lot of time into it making it, and I will return when I have been through the map enough to make a judgement based on actually PLAYING the map *hint*hint* But a protip is to link to the map itself, not the fileshare, otherwise people ***** at you because they are all lazy asses. Plz rectify problem ASAP. Edit: Also, it's still not on your fileshare. Please do not post the map until you have all of the components ready. And I was gonna go pway it too...
Please, I like this map, but not this thread. You have been told before and you need to take action before Grif comes along. Change your thread title to only that of your map's name.
there is a remake if you look at the bungie halo discussion.. there is a post about them. i reallly like the center of the map the most.. and the sides look nice. is there a higher place that one can sit and snipe though? oh and i think you should be able to go under the boxes in the center. maybe if you replaced them with walls and made the center more confined.. you could do that. i recommend wire spools as towers like midship
this looks really well made and i rather like the center structure, it reminds me of midship kinda...though i thought that it could use some more decorating...
See, I was going to do action shots, but this is my new account and the action was already out of my recent games. I promise, my next map will not only be symmetrical (heh heh heh) but it will have action shots!!!! Woohoo!!! If you are going to flame me or anything like that, I'm new here, I know. Still getting used to this place, but obviously I'm not new to other forums or forging, for that matter. For the people who think my map looks good, thank you. I put a lot of time into it, and I'm glad to see the people like it. However, for the people who think it has flaws, download it, play it a few times, and give me feedback. No map is ever right on its first run. And we all know that. P.S. It is on my fileshare now. It's the only thing in there atm, so it shouldn't be too hard to find it, but I guess people may need to grab a pair of binoculars before checking it out.
There are some great features in your map, but they seem to be flawed by you rushing certain areas. Bits of it look really rushed. But you show skill in the way you have interlocked certain parts. Good Job overall but i recommend taking your a bit more care in your maps in future.
Wow alot of interlocking I see and I like. The layout of the map looks great. Kinda reminds me of the MLG foundry maps. The only thing i see wrong is the map seems a little plain and empty.
Yeah I know its empty... But I'd rather focus on gameplay rather than scenery. It's a whole lot of fun to play. Little Note: I was really getting going on a great Forge, and few hours worth, and instead of starting a new round, I accidentally hit End Game... I had to start all over, so please bare with me, I haven't been in much of a Forging mood to do anything. Nevertheless, expect another symmetrical Foundry map before the month is over.
Lok, you probably didn't hit "End Game," you probably hit the round limit. After 32 rounds, the game ends without warning. It happened to me twice in the same map. The only lesson is this: Save often.