Sandbox MLG Recreation v3

Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by KILLn Machine12, Aug 4, 2009.

  1. KILLn Machine12

    KILLn Machine12 Ancient
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    MLG Recreation v3

    Recommended players: 4-8

    Supported gametype: Team Slayer,Team Oddball, Team KOTH


    -supports koth
    - weapon holder now on most barriers
    - less plasma grenades
    - shield doors gone
    - now supports oddball.


    - x7 Br's​

    - x8 frag grenades​

    - x8 plasma grenades​

    - x1 sniper​

    - x1 rocket​

    - x1 carbine​

    - x1 active camo​

    - x1 mauler​

    - x1 plasma pistol​


    This is another mlg map KILLn Machine12 has made. Also it is my first asymetric mlg map . This map took a long time to make due to all the interlocking, geomerging, and effort all to make it a clean, more smooth, fun map to play on. The only bad thing is there's too many power weapons, having the fact its a pretty small map, making it uneven. The map has alot of cover, but not too much so you cant camp as much.

    Onto the screenshots: ​

    These are where both teams spawn:​


    Now callouts/weapon spawns...​

    top mid​




    active camo​




    back bridge​


    bottom right​


    top right​


    bottom left​


    top left​


    MLG Recreation plays great and i recommend downloading it! -->
    MLG Recreation v3
    #1 KILLn Machine12, Aug 4, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2009
  2. OMFG Im Booth

    OMFG Im Booth Ancient
    Senior Member

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    this is ridiculously awesome, i love the camo, and the sniper towers

    brilliant 9/10
  3. Satan130

    Satan130 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i have no idea how well the game play works, but from looks alone, this look both well planed out and well executed. Very nicely done.
  4. JMJ405

    JMJ405 Ancient
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    looks good. 8/10. I would suggest locking down the crates and dumpsters though, using reciever nodes or weapon holders. The weapon list has definately improved from your first version. The map as a whole never had any problems and still doesnt. But why only one carbine? Oh well, that doesnt matter, good job, and keep forging!
  5. ONeill117

    ONeill117 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    this looks very good and very playable, i especially like the sniper tower.
    my only slight issue (im being picky i no) is that the merged walls on mauler base and the merged bridges on top left/right, they look very untidy? i no its cos of their shape and they surely play fine, but idk, is there anything possible to tidy it up?
    also, it helps the evenness of the ground if double boxes are placed upside down
    sorry if i sound very critical, DW download from me :)
  6. GOD made Halo

    GOD made Halo Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i think you should have flipped the bridges over near mauler and sniper tower but apart from that i love you 69/69 add my gamertag so we can talk ;) gamertag: w3tPu55y
  7. KILLn Machine12

    KILLn Machine12 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    thanks for all the feedback .. i hav updated mlg recreation v3. hopefully it is the last.
  8. PhantomBishop

    PhantomBishop Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The map plays absolutely solid. However i recommend geomerging the boxes in pictures 1 & 2 into the wall. Other than that this map plays very nicely... my friends and i had a blast playing slayer on it! 4/5
  9. MLG

    MLG Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'm on the testers guild, and I tested your map with 7 different friend, and then 3 so I did a 4v4 Slayer and KOTH and a 2v2 Slayer and KOTH Here are my evaluations:
    What I like:
    1 Aesthetics on this map are amazing
    2 Map isn't Over weighed on either side
    3 It isn't hard to find your way around
    4 Not to many power weapons

    What I Dislike
    -1 The spawns arent the greatest
    -Not really any cover in the middle piece

    -For spawns put more than one spawn point by itself at least put 2 next to each other, but don't put one by itself.
    -Blend some walls into the box in the middle so they are at the edges and are barley high enough to block you when your crouching.

    On a final note I'd like to congratulate you on a fantastic post, and well-forged map, I give this one a healthy 8.5/10, make those changes and its a 10 from me, Keep on Forging, and Have fun!!!
  10. Ryan

    Ryan Ancient
    Senior Member

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    seems escapable at top left?
  11. KILLn Machine12

    KILLn Machine12 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    thanks i will probly change the spawns and might do something about top mid cover.
    can u tell me exactly how u can escape top left ?
    #11 KILLn Machine12, Aug 10, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2009
  12. RejectedSnail

    RejectedSnail Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Dood i liking this map forsure just from looks, but if you geomerged in places it would make it flawless....i like how it looks forsure tho
    If you need help on geomerging...hit me up, will be happy to help :D
    Great job tho :)

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