Der riese Der Riese is the new Call Of Duty WAW **** zombie map that came out a day ago. its by far the best and has so many more things to offer than the other **** zombie maps. such as the PACK O PUNCH MACHINE, TELEPORTERS, THE CARPENTER. and much more. the map works like this. you are the same people from the last map shi no numa who acidentally teleported to this map. when you start your guys will be saying something like aww i think im gonna be sick. no your trapped in the main frame. behind you is the pack o punch machine. but wait you cant get into it, its closed. the pack o punch machine is a machine that costs 5000 to use and it takes your gun a pimps it out. example if you put the KAR98K in it which usually takes about 5 shots to the body at round 3 it will be a one shot kill to about level 15. thats F-ing rediculous. and thats like the worst gun in the game. well you open this machine by linking the three teleporters located around the map. you link by simply going up to it and pressing X and going to the reviever node at the main frame and pressing x there. once you have all three you can use them whenever to escape zombies for 1500 points. the carpenter is something the zombies drop like the nuke or max amo which repairs every window on the map. also f-ing rediculous. basically the rest of the map is the same but very close quarters. i just started today and i got part of the main frame done. the map is ginormous so im not completely sure if ill be able to finish it but i will be smart about it and do the best i can. once i get farther on the map i will put pictures on. and then i will keep updating from there. UPDATE- i have worked on this map alot and its probably a couple of hours from being done. its turning out really good. i still have alot of money and objects left untill i hit the limit. the only thing is that i made it in the crypt and i ran out of room so i built a tele-door that just leads up to the middle area where the rest of the level will be. the pack O punch machine will be a custum powerup that makes you alot more powerful and more ammo. there is not even near enough weapon holders fro the map so i have to figure something out for that. i had someone join my game and they said it looks very accurate and its going to be a good map. Some pics of it so far the reciever for all the teleporters and the pack O punch machine The pack o punch and teleporter pad. another view of it the bridge another view of the bridge and power switch/ RWB the staircase leading to juggernaut and bridge these are the doors i was talking about that will lead upstairs just walk into them and an overview well thats all so far. should be done pretty soon
Sounds good, but please no white font, cause it looks like a blank post to me, until I highlighted. Also its good they have Teleporters, so it incorporates something that you can use in forge in Halo 3
Please, make sure that the next time you make a map preview that you use the default text color and size, as it is much more appealing to the eye. I also suggest you get farther into the map making process, and that you provide us with at least one picture, as it seems the map previews with pictures are much more succesful than those with just text. Thxkbai! Edit: I haven't gotten a chance to play Der Riese, but from what I've heard it's the best **** Zombies map so far. Good luck forging a remake though, it seems just as complicated as Shi No Numa, if not worse.
der riese is going to be a hard map to do so if you need some help you can get me cause i have some free time my GT: Khala Warrior55
I honestly don't see why you have the need to remake every single **** Zombies made that Treyarch releases for World At War, I only chose to remake the first one because I knew I could do it accurately enough. I seriously doubt you'll be able to pull this off well. You Shi No Numa remake was kinda lacking in gameplay... because there were some elements of the map that you were unable to successfully recreate because of the object limit. With even more that needs to be remade, it's gonna require more objects than Shi No Numa. Best of luck to you. Make sure to keep me updated to this one, k?
Wouldn't Der Riese mean "The Travel" or "The Journey?" Haha I'm only going into German 2 for my Junior year but I think that's what that means. Not much of a fan of **** Zombies, but perhaps this could change my feelings about it?
"Der Riese" - "The Giant" Also, don't use that purple colour when nobody in FH Dark can see it. Don't make remakes of things in other games. EVER. Because people who played that thing in another game will probably know that it's much better then the remake.
this will be very hard but not impossible especially the pack a punch machine and the carpenter thingy but id like to see this completly done to see how well you have did
i dont know y but my pictures arent working. i did the same thing as usuall. they just arent showing up. i feel stupid but i know i did everything right. can i have some help.
I think the problem may just be one with haloscreenshots... Just retake the pictures and upload them through photobucket. I personally do it that way, mainly because it's more reliable.
there. thx master debayter. it was kinda confusing the first time using photobucket but i figured it out. hope you think its good so far.