Rockets on the Bridge Download Map Download Gametype Description: In this game, the objective is to get to the other side of a long bridge as quickly as possible in a mongoose. However, there are two zombies trying to stop you. They have fuel rods, rockets, brute shots, and 1 missle pod. There are a few obstacles for the people to dodge, a few ramps and several holes. The main problem for them is the projectiles. Everyone only has one life, and at the end, the people grab a custom powerup, go through a teleporter and kill the zombies. This game is best with 10 people (2 zombies, 8 drivers) but has spawn points for 16. The zombie box is filled with guns, so instead of reloading, they can just pick up a difrent one. The zombies do more damage, so the rockets and missle pod kill in one hit, the fuel rod in 1-2, and the brute shot in 3-4. View from zombie box Starting point Zombie box Overview of track I'm new to forgehub, so if I forgot anything, copied someones map on accident, or did something wrong please tell me. Other than that, I hope you enjoy it.
This looks like it could be alot of fun with big parties, but isn't 1 life a bit harsh? I mean it looks like it could get pretty hard towards the end, considering the zombies have rockets it would be very easy to through the survivors off the track. I think you should give them atleast 2 lives, to give them a chance to work out a tactic or just to give them a second chance. ut all in all, it looks well forged and a good concept, but I still think one life is harsh.
Welcome to ForgeHub and congrats on a great first post, the map is good and the concept is great, if you want to boost map downloads you might want to merge certain objects to makes things smoother as you'll be driving mongooses. Overall 6/10, Ive seen a map LIKE this on youtube called straight ahead (Halo 3 forges Episode 36) YouTube - Halo 3 Forges (Ep. 36) "Straight Ahead" (machinima)
There are 10 rounds, so you get to try again later. Also, that way you dont have to kill the zombies twice, or wait for mongooses to respawn. Plus killballs eventual spawn down there to remove people who are not playing/waiting for everyone else to die so they get the last man bounus.
Right, the ten rounds would make up for the 1 life =D so ignore what I said lol. Tsiwts right about the other map, it is pretty much the same concept, but you've added obstacles which looks like it will make it alot more fun than a simple, straight forward drive. Also, your zombie building is forged cleaner and more secure, so in my opinion this is an all round better quality map. I'm gonna download and have a mess around on it with some friends.
well this looks interesting looks kinda short for a track like this but then again i cant see the whole map. this reminds me of the halo tracks that have a sniper and allot of my friends like those maps so im definitely going to download and see if it works good but like hobo said one life seems kinda harsh considering the zombies arsenal but ill come back after i played it with a rating.
If you aren't invincible, then you should each have 2 lives, and the explosive weaponry should respawn more often. If you ARE invincible, then that makes more sense to knock people off the ledge. Please inform me.
You are not invincible, and the explosive weponry does respawn as fast as it can, along with the zombies having infinate ammo. One life is fine, beacuse if you respawned, there would be no mongooses left. This goes by very quick, each round is only about 20 seconds long.
i've seen maps like this before, I enjoy them, but if you're supposed to get over there without being hit as fast as possible then I think holes in the ground will make it annoying. Maybe if you added jumps instead but at least this is deferent.
Umm... has everyone completely overlooked the fact that if you do die as a human, odds are you took damage, and that would infect you. You become a zombie. As in, no more chances to drive anyway. And about the damage: 1 rocket/missle pod will kill anyway, fuel-rod kills in 2 shots and brute shot kills in 4 anyway. So what is the damage % then? 110%? 150%?
This map, along with the video tsiwt posted, has inspired me to make a more epicly awesome version of these maps merged together. In fact ill start right now. 4/5, could be merged to make it smoother.
Great map! even greater idea and concept! even greater forging! good work! i had a good time helping with it too! ~GLORY
Hey the tin cups where my idea I´m just kidding. Usualy I don´t download so many map but I have to try this one. 8/10 Good job on your first post.
The instant kill weapons would be too cheap, I feel. Make it so the drivers can take a few shots, say two or three, but with no shield regeneration. Besides, they'll probably just get knocked off anyways.
Its not instant kill, but probably is a little to strong. Usually the drivers are hit straight on, so they dont flip everywhere as they do from the side. The whole stretch only takes about ten seconds, so there is not enough time to hit them again either. Also, rarely do the zombies stop all the mongoses if you get 10 people, there are just too many. You can change it and try it out if you like, let me know how it works.
i like this map, it seems very fun. I don't find this map too similar to the one in that video, because in yours its a larger bridge with obstacles straight ahead. Saying the maps is similar is like saying duck hunt and the maps where you ride in circles on a mongoose and try not to get shot off are the same. I think you could explain the gametype more. Are the mongooses invincible, also are the players invincible?
Its time this map gets the credit it deserves. This map is heck of a lot of fun. When I was playing this game with like eight people they all kept begging to play this again. Yes, this map could do for some better forging, but it is still pretty smooth. The obstacles make the game more fun and challenging. Most people like to go on the ramps but I see them as an obstacle to maneuver around. The ramps normally knock you off balance or you go flying into a hole. What would be really cool, however, is if there were small ramps behind each hole so you can jump over the holes. That would make the game more fun. One thing is you should make the custom power up instant respawn. Rarely, when you go through the teleporter, you get assassinated. It only happened once, but it ruined the round. Once I had picked up the custom power up and died no one else could get the powerup because it didn't respawn. 8/10 You would get your ten points if there was a bit better forging Edit: To everyone, you die in one hit from anything. If it was anymore than that then the game would be way too hard for the zombies. Trust me people, the game runs very smoothly the way it is.
Either way it works I just played this with 16 people and it worked nicely. Round went fast and they were chaotic and fun. This a great map
Yeah, I played this with Z0mbie kitten, and it's fun. Just like Trench Wars, it doesn't really need better forging, but it is fun. The missile pod does sort of make it very easy for the zombies, but I realize it is fairly balanced. Smart people pick up the missile pod and shot 1 missile at each driver. Boom, 8 dead.