Foundry Dragon Pizza

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by sgt special edd, Aug 5, 2009.

  1. sgt special edd

    sgt special edd Ancient
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    Hey everyone. This is my first map post. this map has 2 sides 1 side with turrets and the other with shields and in the middle are man cannons. download this and tell me what u think. Also if u want to play this map pm me XD


    Turret side.


    Shield side

    Download here
  2. Olole

    Olole Ancient
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    could be interesting gameplay, but it look's like you throwedstuff around and made some bases.. how about weapon placement and list of weapons. you should also add more spawn points in the battlefield.
  3. MDIGN

    MDIGN Ancient
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    this map looks very messy, it has very little spawn points and doesn't look like it'll play out well. 2/5
    #3 MDIGN, Aug 5, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2009
  4. Olole

    Olole Ancient
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    His link is at the bottom of his post. but yeah, the map is messy
  5. sgt special edd

    sgt special edd Ancient
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    the link is correct and i have alot of spawn points. try it out before you say it wont be very fun

    if you dl it and play it you will see that it was put together very smoothly.

    shotgun is in the middle of the 2 turret locations and sniper is on pallets and by shields
  6. MDIGN

    MDIGN Ancient
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    when i read that I thought he had no link so it's not my fault he gave me the wrong view.
    And also sgt special edd I said it doesn't "look" like it'll play out well due to the one side sheilds and one side sheilds thing you said.
  7. Scobra

    Scobra Ancient
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    This map looks good.

    But not as good as MLG /b/r00tal.
  8. sgt special edd

    sgt special edd Ancient
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    its your fault you didn't read the bottom where it says download here. dont judge a book by its cover bro
  9. MDIGN

    MDIGN Ancient
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    I'm not judging a book i'm judging a misleading post. =/ Also that was your first post so how was I supposed to know you were joking?
  10. sgt special edd

    sgt special edd Ancient
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    its an expression. because its an actuall post that follows the guidelines
  11. MDIGN

    MDIGN Ancient
    Senior Member

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    STOP! you and I will both get infracted if this continues due to the fact that this has almost nothing to do with the map, so shut it.
  12. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
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    This looks pathetic. I could have made this in 10 minutes. Just throw around some scenery, spawns, and weapons, and you get this hacked up piece of crap. This better be a joke, the name is very misleading and the map is even worse. I'll give you a 1/10 for this.
  13. cowboypickle23

    cowboypickle23 Ancient
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    sorry but this isnt the best map. try conjoining alittle and actually have some point to the map. like a little something in the middle. i mean it looks like you made the two bases with a couple wall doubles and the rest of the map is thrown around. it might acually have interesting gameplay who knows but im not dl. dont worry du meh. i used to forge like that too. in fact everyone ded at one point unless ur just rediculous but anyway ull get better and think of a good layout for a map and want to be a perfectionist, and then you will start to make some good maps. so sorry this isnt good but keep forging ok.
  14. R0FLninja

    R0FLninja Ancient
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    Seriously, you go and shoot people down when they give your map the credit it deserves, which is basicly none, all the spawn points are at each base, for lots of spawn killing, map is open, and basicly has no forging done on it.

    then, you flame everybody because they rated your map poorly, which it deserves, put more effort into your maps, and listen to what people here have to say, trust me, FH is known for its amazing forgers.

    If the only people who posted on ths thread were people who liked it, you would never get any good feedback, just a shitload of spam. and you didnt need to bump it.

    check out forging 101
    #14 R0FLninja, Aug 7, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2009
  15. I Shadowsth I

    I Shadowsth I Ancient
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    As stated numerous times, this map is a stinker. However I know a joker when I see one and the sad thing is most of you fell for his bait since his map name and username wasn't obvious enough. There's a pretty good chance he's having a blast watching all the negative comments pour in saying how shitty of a forger he is, but then again it seems a lot of people just can't resist a flame bait thread.

    I remember the days when pranks were actually well thought out and executed perfectly, but those days died long ago. :(
    #15 I Shadowsth I, Aug 7, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2009
  16. red steel

    red steel Ancient
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    First off i have to say that your map maybe fun to just mess around on, but with as many maps that are on here its to hard to download them all. on top of that this map is very poorly forged. you should take a look at some other maps and see how much time they spend building their maps. this map is almost a insult to all great forgers. if you want people to really be amazed by your map, spend a lot of time planing it out, building it, and testing it with some experienced halo players. otherwise if you fail to do any of this, then your wasting everyones time. im sorry if i sound mean, but feedback like this will help you to become a better forger. good luck with future maps.
  17. Imnickjames13

    Imnickjames13 Ancient
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    Too bad almost all of those spawn points are clumped together in the "bases" with very few in the central area
  18. MLG

    MLG Ancient
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    I have to say it just looks as if you threw random objects everywhere, and there is no blending that I see, Very little spawn points, sorry but no dl.

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